Full Moon in Cancer Astrology for January 2022

Trevor Scott

Jan. 17 2022 — Moon in her home sign of Cancer (the sign of home and family) is in late degrees, opposing the Pluto/Sun conjunction. This is a strong (awakened) position for the moon. Its is deeply spiritual and commonly associated with the healing arts. Romanticism, heartsickness, longing and pining for something is a trademark of Cancer.

Our strong feelings begin to bump up against Saturn’s harsh, restrictive reality…

An Emotional Wakeup Call

Pluto opposite the Moon gives intense internal crisis, and emotional wakeup call for where you’ve given your personal power away to authorities (Sun). We come face to face with responsibilities that have been swept under the rug.

Saturn/Mercury conjunct in the 8th sign from the Moon shows deep investigative, reflective thought about what future changes have to be made to make one feel at home, grounded, rooted and whole.

The Moon in late degrees of Cancer is about healing. This stage of the sign prepares the way to entering the sign of the king, the ruler and personal creativity (Leo). It’s sextile to the north node.

We must find something to be devoted to — something that relates to our purpose, destiny and direction — and to entangle ourselves in.

A harmonious trine to the south node shows the need and ability to emotionally integrate past beliefs and ideals that have built up over the last year or two.

Astrology Transits for January 17, 2022

Full Moon Trine Neptune

This is a deeply creative time. Neptune is in the 9th sign from the Moon. There will be a lot of ideals, dreams and inspirations awakening within one’s heart chakra (seat of the emotion).

Because there is so much romanticism, projection and fantasy here, one can get entangled and ensnared, depending where it sits in the birth chart.

Here are some examples to think about and apply to your own chart:

The themes of fully inspired creativity and romantic fantasy can occur in four areas:

1.) Artha – material reality (earth houses: 2nd, 6th, 10th)

2.) Dharma – purpose (fire houses: 1st, 5th, 9th)

3.) Kama – desires (3rd, 7th, 11th)

4.) Moksha – spiritual or inner-reality (4th, 8th, 12th)

Aquarius Ascendant | Neptune transiting in the 2nd house & the Full Moon in the 6th house

You may get emotionally tangled up in your romantic ideals surrounding the work you do and the service you offer others, along with how much personal value you have. Confusions on what it takes to support yourself (losing track of finances, bill payments etc.) can come up.

Scorpio Ascendant | Neptune transiting in the 5th house & the Full Moon in the 9th house

You may fall for delusions or fantasies surrounding your life’s path, beliefs about how the world treats you or any of your personal passions, hobbies and the things that inspire you (even your kids, if you have them). This is a deeply creative time for Scorpio to get involved with music or writing.

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