Venus Conjunct Jupiter in the Birth Chart

Trevor Scott

Venus conjunct Jupiter is a wealthy, beautiful, and sociable astrological alignment to have in one’s birth chart. It offers a lot of blessings and positive energy. 

During a transit, this can be a great time to enjoy the finer things in life and live a little. 

In Western Astrological thought, this is a wonderful thing to have. You’re bound to get more of the things we all want: money, relationships, status, comfort, and the like. 

In the Vedic Astrological thought, it’s considered a “negative” position, simply because the purpose of Venus (sensuality and romantic relationships) runs counter to the purpose of Jupiter (spiritual knowledge and understanding). 

This is a wealth-giving conjunction that offers a lot of comfort in life. Jupiter expands whatever it touches and Venus brings things together, soothes, and makes comfortable whatever it aspects. Together, it’s a comfortable energy. 

Whatever house or sign this alignment is in, there’s an abundance of that thing.

In Taurus: money and security; in Gemini: friends and skills; in Cancer: emotional comfort and intuition; in Scorpio: occult knowledge; in Sagittarius: faith and creative inspiration. 

In the 10th House, there may be some laziness or lackadaisical attitude towards career. The MC is where we get out into the world and fight to secure our position. It’s not a place where we should relax and recline. That’s the 4th House, the IC (where Venus has great directional strength). 

In the 7th House, Venus conjunct Jupiter can give a very sociable, likable personality that is often quite flirtatious and attractive. With so much positive energy in the house of relationships, staying committed to a single person can be a bit of an issue. 

In the 4th House, Venus conjunct Jupiter offers the best results, especially because Venus gains more strength, offering the person material comforts, nice homes, vehicles, and peace of mind. A powerful Venus in the 4th will create a lasting legacy after a person passes away. 

In the Ascendant, physical beauty manifests as a result of this conjunction. One’s entire life path becomes about finding meaning through material, worldly things, or about enjoying spiritual subjects.

The Downside of Venus-Jupiter Conjunction

As with anything, the blessings of this conjunction can become too much of a good thing. 

Without harsh planets like Mars, Sun, or Saturn, in good condition, the individual may be a pushover, and simply get into the habit of allowing things to happen rather than initiating or taking charge of situations. Or they may oscillate between two extremes.

David Goggins, US Navy Seal and motivational speaker, is a great example of a Venus conjunct Jupiter that swung too far in the opposite direction, without boundaries or limits. He used to be over 600 lbs eating junk food and watching TV on his couch (Venus/Jupiter) until he started tapping into his Mars in Capricorn and establishing himself through disciplined action. 

In the case of Goggins’ , the conjunction was in the 2nd House of food, speech, and consumption. Speaking would later become a large part of this person’s career path, specifically Jupiter-related speaking (teaching, inspiring, and guiding).

As you can see, this conjunction manifests differently depending upon the individual soul and its karmic trajectory.

The planet that holds the lowest degree will govern or initiate the energies of the conjunction. 

Jupiter holds the lowest degree: there’s a strong need to gain knowledge and understanding about the world in order to bring about pleasure. 

Venus holds the lowest degree: you’ll want to indulge in all manner of material and sensory vice. 

In earth signs, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, this conjunction becomes practical, ambitious and stable. It produces a great effect in the realm of career and job. 

In air signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, this conjunction turns into a wordsmith and an intellectual who is capable of communicating and connecting with all manner of people throughout life. 

In fire signs, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, this conjunction becomes creative, passionate, and expressive. 

In water signs, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, this conjunction becomes mysterious, spiritual, and deep. There may be a desire to accumulate occult or spiritual knowledge. 

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