Sun in Sagittarius 2021: Illuminating Ideals

Trevor Scott

Dec. 4, 2021 brings the New Moon in Sagittarius, where the Sun, Moon and Mercury unite in a mutable fire sign of hope, aspirations, ideals and beliefs. The Sun gives light and life. It makes us aware and able to see the world around us. Everything is clear and well-defined. When it enters into Sagittarius, it becomes delighted. Sagittarius is related to the original 9th house of the zodiac, a house of religion, pilgrimage (long journeys) and reverence to a set of higher ideals and or a higher power.

After the battlefield of Scorpio (fighting internal demons), we think we’re dead. But it is only the ego that has died. We have emerged with an expanded new vision for life. Our house is in order, and we are ready to explore greener pastures, impact culture and achieve in the world. Eventually, we start giving to the collective (Aquarius), realize that we are still in illusion and become apathetic, letting go and letting ourselves be in rapture with the divine, the highest principle of our universe (Pisces – the final sign).

We have a lot of hopeful, inspired vision. There’s a reason why Sagittarius comes right before Christmas (when the Sun is in Capricorn). We just had Thanksgiving (thankfulness, expansion of energy) and, while the Sun is in Sagittarius, when the focus is making money to give gifts to children. That is quintessential Jupiter. So is the archetype of “Santa Claus,” a big bushy beard, big belly and jolly laugh. That is expansive Jupiter.

New Moon in Sagittarius

We should look at our unique purpose and what we’re aiming at in life. What motivates or inspires us to act in the world? With trines to Chiron, there is a great potential for healing to take place. This is a healing of the spirit of soul (represented by fire).

  • Illuminating and getting crystal clear on what we believe
  • Knowing where to put our trust
  • Seeing what’s possible rather than what’s “wrong” in life

Illuminating Ideals

The south node with the Sun and Mercury takes on an occult (hidden) and detached energy. There is enormous internal work that has to be done. Most of this was during the Scorpio cycle that we’ve just ended. Our ability to communicate our dreams to others might be “off” at this time, since Mercury is with the south node and in detriment. On the other hand, you have knowledge that is innate in your body that you can tune-into.

Sagittarius generates the energy before the real “work” gets done in Capricorn. It is the zeal that keeps us going. Sagittarius is the hips. We must get grounded in reality, but still maintain ideals and a sense of inspiration. Too much idealism isn’t good, but neither is too much pessimism.

Sun Square Neptune Sagittarius: Breaking Illusions

Once the Sun ingresses deep into Sagittarius, it will square Neptune. Mutable squares create wobbly tension that demands change. This is a choice to break out of delusion and illusion, to stop lying to ourselves about what our big dreams are. After doing inner-work, I realized most of my desires to “be” or “do” or “have” something in life were based on illusion and misperception of reality. The story is not about “me” or “you.” Life isn’t a single player game, but a multi-player co-operative, so to speak.

Spiritual people can be deeply delusion. Sometimes there are actually clinically insane people who are just on a spiritual kick. They buy into “love and light” and “positive thinking.” It’s just spiritual bypassing. Rather than fixing their problems or even acknowledging the pain or the issue at hand, they stick their head in the sand, visualize, think positively, get cancer and die from it. This, just as an example, is a problem that could have been prevented by doing certain work, but they chose to live in a particular mental delusion.

“If I shut my eyes and meditate while the house is burning down, I won’t be burned.” It’s what many spiritually-inclined people are prone to think. Good luck with trying that, by the way. This delusion comes from misperception of reality. All of material existence is spiritual. Pain, depression, anger, violence, peace, love, ecstasy and joy are all part of the divine creation. They are all legitimate and must be experienced fully. By going into an emotional state fully, we overcome it more quickly.

Even I have broken past my delusions. I have renounced the need to “become someone” in the future. The mental conception of a future ideal self doesn’t have a reality outside of your mind. You’ve created it. All of us have delusions, even spiritual masters must have some level of ignorance or Tamas within them. If they don’t, they cannot incarnate or maintain a body in this plane of existence.

That being said, there’s an even larger part of the human population that comes from media indoctrination. Enormous sums of people are programmed by the media. It is very difficult to wake someone up once they have been properly conditioned to view their world through a particular lens. All one can do is disassociate with the person and walk away. People are so utterly brainwashed by whatever nonsense narratives that fill their heads (right wing versus left wing political distractions), they cannot live their lives in a productive manner.

Personally, I don’t care if Biden, Trump or Sonic the Hedgehog is president. I don’t care about the latest sensational news headline: “Can you believe what this (insert label) did today?” Yes, actually. Yes, I can believe it. You have no control over these things. The entire political system (on a global scale) has layers of unseen corruption that would cause you to have a mental meltdown upon being exposed to a fraction of it. The “truth” and “waking people up” isn’t important. Your happiness in each moment of your brief life is important. So don’t bother with it.

We are on earth to accept our karmas and live the best life we can, given our circumstance.

We must all face the reality of having a finite existence. We live and we die — fairly quickly, I might add. Only to be recycled into conditions and circumsntaces that align with our karmic blueprint. Being ignorant, we continue to be recycled through idiotic and petty existences as all sorts of different people, repeating the same lessons and undergoing suffering in Maya (the illusory world of shadows).

Knowing this brutal fact…I don’t have time for news headlines or the latest pop-culture idiocy. It surprises me to not end that other people do. I have work to do. I have spiritual practice to engage in. I have a life, at the very least, to try and live well. If you’re living an authentic life that is based on utilizing your gifts and divine creative intelligence (busying yourself with visualizing and creating things), that should be your answer as well. Moving on

Saturn Sextile Sun/Mercury Sagittarius

This is an opportunity to take our ideals and ground them into the new structures that are in front of us. Facing limitations and confronting uncomfortable reality is the lesson of Saturn. When the Sun is in sextile to it, we have the opportunity to guide our vision and personal power in the world through practical and real means. Not to mention the fact that the Sun in Sagittarius is powerful, righteous and spiritually-driven, whereas Saturn is in his home sign. Both are concrete and powerful manifestors during this time.

Uranus in the 6th sign from the New Moon:

Uranus will shake up the work we have to do with regards to our spiritual or religious activities in life. It’s the last planet before the nodal point, so it’s the final stop before checking into what we really want to experience (north node = desire).

Jupiter T-Square

The dispositor of Sagittarius is being hit by Mars (improving, fighting and fixing) and the North Node (where we’re headed and what we really want). This is a good time to expand our horizons in whatever way possible. The Sun, Moon, Mercury and the South Node are being governed through Saturn (dispositor of Aquarius) and by Jupiter’s great friend, Mars, who gives vitality, energy and the strength to overcome challenges. Fixed aspects stick to things until they get done. The warrior (Mars) and the Priest (Jupiter) work together to secure a good destiny (north node).

Sagittarius as a Sign

Sagittarius is the preacher, the prophet and the story-teller. The stories we tell ourselves about “my life” and “my personal history” can hinder us or drive us towards the good. Think about the story you are telling yourself about “your life” and start gaining a broader perspective on this sense of “I” (ego) by understanding your place in the larger story (the world’s story, humanity’s story) — Aquarius.

Sagittarius shows a centaur with a weapon: the bow. He overcomes the ignorant animal nature and embraces a human being with a higher goal for life than just reproduction, eating and sleeping. We must have an aim (inspiration or vision) for life, before acting to build it in the physical (Capricorn).

We suffer because of ignorance or misperception of reality. So long as there is ignorance, there will be reincarnation. There will also be compulsivity and impulses, even addictions. We cannot see clearly, and as a result, we are tormented by life. Life starts to blossom and become a great thing once the internal state becomes clear. We see the world as it is. There is no more compulsion or impulsivity.

Clarity comes through the purifying fire of the spirit (Sagittarius is the final fire sign). The final fire sign deals with the highest elements of the spirit. It begins with our identity (Aries), our personal creativity and kingdom (the ego of Leo) and, finally, it ends with the ideals or spiritual inspiration (Sagittarius). This is a great point of preparation before liberation from bondage or spiritual ignorance occurs. Sagittarius wishes to be free and unburdened, able to expand and explore greater greener pastures in life.

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