New Moon in Gemini 2023: New Ideas and Experiences

Trevor Scott

New Moon in Gemini – June 17-18, 2023.

New ideas, fresh perspectives, and the perfection any unfinished creative tasks from the past are all powerful potentials for this transit no matter what house this moves through in your birth chart! Communicating, playing games, and experimenting with what life has to offer is a big part of this lunar cycle.

You might pick something back up that you had previously left incomplete, an old project, conversation — anything.

This is a great time to start “manifesting” or creating prosperity by identifying areas in life that are innately abundant. There are little things in life that we can focus on that spark the cultivation of an abundance mindset, things as simple as running water or oxygen.

Venus holds the strongest relationship to this moon phase. This means that enjoyment of one’s passions and desires will play a strong role in shaping the coming month, as the Sun ingresses into Cancer and the Moon waxes to fullness.

Adaptability, resourcefulness, and the intense desire to strive towards harmony in the immediate environment all shape the core characteristic of this New Moon energy.

Start a new project and start connecting with others in the local community, relay information, and relate to other people.



Ascendant: New ideas to start a venture independently. You might start communicating more and coming out of your shell.


2nd: Consider new ideas for starting a side hustle that produces an income or identifying your true worth.


3rd: It’s a fine time to build your skills and start connecting to people in your local environment.


4th: You’ll have a lot more mental activity and possible changes in your home or family life.


5th: Romance, fun, and gambling come rushing to the front of your mind. It’s a great time to make party plans or vacation plans.


6th: You’ll change up your routine and daily activities. Maybe pick up a new health routine or lifestyle.


Descendant: Looking for a new relationship? Now is a great time to connect others and communicate with others.


8th: You’re really interested in digging deep at this time, and figuring out what’s at the core of your emotional difficulties.


9th: Your wanderlust is at an all-time-high, and you might make some big travel plans (pay attention to details when. booking).


Midheaven: Creating new ideas and new connections in your career or with authority figures.


11th: Connect to social circle by having fun or network professionally (Stay away from alcohol and drugs with bad aspect to Neptune)


12th: Unconscious states, dreams, and creative visions will come alive during this time. It’s a great time to retreat into your inner world.

Tap Into Mercury – the New Moon’s Ruler

This indicates the cultivation of a lot of skills and talents to help manage your life on a higher level. Take a new course online, learn as much as you can.

New Moon Trine to South Node: Cathartic Release

You’ll be releasing negativity from the mental body, the realm of ideas and concepts. This is done to allow for better thoughts and concepts to enter this sphere.

Pluto (Critical Degree & Retrograde) in the 8th place from the Sun and Moon.

The collective can and will undergo a fundamental reorientation of the mind and of the immediate environment. The 8th signifies a transformation of sorts. To change the structures that give way to the mind’s inquisitive and adaptable nature.

Neptune Square to the New Moon

This is a tight, unyielding point of tension between the luminaries and God of illusions. Get rid of any personal delusions, misconceptions, illusions, and false beliefs about the world you’re living in.

The ultimate work that must be done during this New Moon involves the outer planetary positions from the Moon’s placement. Work on eliminating fantasy and delusion in favor of logic (use of Mercury) and release anxiety or fear surrounding the unknown, the dark, and mysterious (Pluto in 8th from Moon).

Pluto here, in retrograde (an even stronger force for change) can make it feel like life is happening to us, as if we are being mutated or changed by powerful, old forces (societal institutions of Capricorn) beyond our control or understanding. However, this is not often the case.

The mind can control what enters into the immediate reality; it just has to be purified first. It’s important to understand that the right thoughts and the right speech (which is all in Gemini’s wheelhouse) leads to the growth of new experiences in life.

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