Full Moon in Leo for February 2022

Trevor Scott

Feb. 16th, 2022 — We have a full moon in Leo, balancing out the cold, collectivist-minded Aquarius energy with the personal fulfillment of Leo. Leo is about what makes us special and unique. It’s good to be a little self-indulgent, and not dedicate too much of your life in service of others; doing so is an imbalance.

Waking Up Creativity and Love

Leo is all about the heart, feeling inspired and creative. Aquarius, on the other hand, is cold, aloof and driven by scientific, logical thinking. Get involved in something creative, or something that gives you life. It’s not all about societal change (Aquarius), work (Capricorn) or other-word experiences (Pisces).

The Moon Square the Lunar Nodes

We need to feel creatively fulfilled on our path. We may have to make a decision on how to integrate feelings of having fun and engaging the inner-child, with acquiring material fulfillment and letting go of toxic obsessions, jealousy, psychological hangups or desires.

Mars in the 6th from the Moon

The strength to establish psychological structure to live our passions and express our joy, to defeat internal enemies like sluggishness or bad indulgence habits. This is a powerful time for such things.

Jupiter in the 8th from the Moon

Deep occult knowledge, mystical experience and openness to other realms becomes apparent.

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