Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 2021

Trevor Scott

Nov. 19th, 2021 — From the intensity of Scorpio, the moon arrives into the still, languid and down-to-earth sensuality of Taurus. The moon is exalted in this sign, able to actualize latent potential for psychological growth and nourishment. Every year, during the Sun’s stay in Scorpio, an exalted full moon inevitably takes place. This year, it aligns with the lunar nodes, the gateways to the future and the past.

Four planets in earth and four planets in water — two in the air. Feminine energy abounds. Stabilizing and supporting what is, not initiating or moving towards the new. Work on whatever longs for improvement in life now.

We will be searching intensely for what brings us true comfort and the highest sense of peace in the material plane (Venus/Moon in earth signs).

Letting go of control or obsession (south node with Sun) and moving towards radical self care and emotional contentment (Moon with north node).

Uranus opposing Mars (the co-lord of Scorpio). People are quite angry and upset. Easily triggered and on edge. If you let the anger (which, admittedly, you have a right to feel) consume you, it will create more negative circumstances via LOA. Rise above it and focus on your internal growth. You’ll be shocked into action, like a jolt that gets you moving towards a better future.

You will not influence how nations govern their people. You will change your own life, your own needs and habits.

Making Changes and Sticking to Them

The two giant planetary bodies, Jupiter and Saturn, are both in angles from the Sun and Moon. This causes a time of major stabilization on an internal and external level. We have to make a decision on how to best meet our needs in a very chaotic and experimental world, where the structures we once relied upon are seemingly being shattered (Saturn Square Uranus).

A Solution?

We find security by abiding in the present moment, practicing thankfulness, living beneath our means and grounding ourselves to the earth by focusing upon Muladhara Chakra, the subtle energy located at the base of the spine.

With the Sun illuminating the darker aspects of our psyche, allowing us to face our own emotional sensitivity and insecurity with great power, bravery and passion (the late degrees of Scorpio), there is a stronger sensitivity for balancing our willful intensity with dispassion and calm receptivity.

This transit of Sun, Mercury & Mars opposite from the Moon is about fighting to secure our inner-space — finding deep emotional security that comes through acquiring knowledge, juxtaposed to having a stable material reality.

We’ll be really, really aware of what we want to have in our lives to provide a certain level of comfort and secure basic needs. We may have to eliminate things out of our life in order to make room for something new.

Moon Opposed Mercury

This is a heart over mind aspect. How we feel takes precedent over what we think we know or understand. With Mercury transiting in Scorpio, we may have been digging deep to uncover and understand the core truth to our life’s situation.

But with the moon caught in a close tug-of-war between digging for the truth and emotionally residing in the comforts of the world, there is a ‘coming to terms’ we must make with regards to ‘the facts’ surrounding us and how we want to feel on the psychological level.

Neptune in the 11th Sign from the Moon

We can dare to dream and imagine for real material gain to come through for us, but only after inwardly reviewing our connection to the sublime, the divine, the quality of spiritual oneness.

Pluto in the 9th Sign from the Moon

Sitting with Venus, the moon’s lord, we can aim to have a more ambitious, clear-cut and broad-minded intention for our material reality. Aim for the highest value you can think of.

Moon Square Jupiter

Because Moon is powerful and naturally delights Jupiter, regardless of how tense this square aspect is, there is an added sense of comfort and nourishment to the energies of expansion, creativity and faith. We must take action to realize it, however. Squares are areas of activity.

One should set the intention to completely finish large-scale projects that have been kept on the back burner.

Jupiter, being weakened in the sign of Saturn, casts a fixed square to the moon. We can’t just expect things to just work themselves out, not without looking at the cold reality (Saturn) or coming up with an actionable game plan to make things work. Ask yourself some questions:

  • Are your beliefs limiting you from having a comfortable life?
  • Are your fixed on limitation or lack?
  • Why do you feel uncomfortable, unworthy or shame around getting your basic needs met, if that is the case for you?

I know what you’re likely thinking and I get it.

“Gas prices are rising, basic groceries aren’t affordable and we can’t even get healthcare in the US!”

Hear me out. Regardless of the stark economic realities brought on by the idiotic and selfish decisions of those in power (ex: the ruling financial aristocracy), you still have control over two things: YOUR MIND & YOUR EMOTIONS.

Remember that thought and emotion create reality. Positive or negative self-talk often manifests as a physical event in your life, for better or worse. From this internal activity of mind and emotion, people and places rearrange themselves like mechanical clockwork to conform to your internal state.

The “powers that be” may leave you destitute or even take your life, but don’t give them your soul. You have the power to choose to engage with certain states of consciousness: peace, joyfulness, thankfulness, emotional comfort and the satisfaction with the small things in life. In fact, this is THE fundamental lesson of Scorpio.

The Scorpio – Taurus Axis Symbolism

Pluto, god of the underworld and the ruler of Scorpio, is about conquering our internal demons (negative thought) and finding our spiritual creative power that lies dormant within. Only then can one effortlessly balance the opposite polarity — the material security of Taurus, and usher into our lives a newfound relief. Large green fields and pastures may be grazed on.

Scorpio (people in general) must learn to LET GO and stop trying to control the world around them! When you release control, you realize you have vast internal stores of power to direct your life in a particular direction.

Consider this (but please don’t emotionally dwell on it). If your country were to collapse into a great depression of sorts, you would, in that all encompassing chaos and horror, rise above it and remain unharmed and untouched by the tragedy around you.

This is because your internal state has been mastered. Therefore, your material reality comes into balance as dictated by universal law.

This loosely relates to the story of the immortal Phoenix, an animal that allows itself to be turned into ash — completely annihilated — only to be restored anew, beginning another cycle of creation, destruction and rebirth.

Work upon your root chakra and do not let the world determine your internal state. By understanding how powerless you are to external forces acting on you, paradoxically, you find your power from within. By letting go, you’re able to obtain everything.

By securing or stabilizing your internal reality will correspond to stability on the external. Awakening to this stability is the intention during this full moon in Taurus.

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