Full Moon Capricorn 2023: Listening Deeply

Trevor Scott

The Full Moon in Capricorn occurs on July 3, 2023 on the day of the Moon. This arguably the most powerful time of 2023 to LISTEN to your inner-spirit.

Cancer is all about being comfortable and cozy with what’s familiar, our home, and our immediate environment.

Capricorn is the exact opposite. It forces us to get up and get moving towards an active role in the material realm: our jobs or careers.

When it comes to this zodiacal axis, especially at this particular degree, there is a balance to made between the things that we really want to responsibly nourish and grow in life, as well as how well we manage our time in that regard, VERSUS the emotional need to patiently move towards our goals in a patient and orderly manner.

Key Takeaways: Full Moon Lessons

  • Listen or hear your inner voice and find the space to do so.
  • Take THREE big steps in your goal or project – start DOING rather than sitting, feeling, and allowing.
  • Accept that life is difficult and challenging, then take concrete steps to become a stronger person.
  • This alignment is a great time to PRAY and be HEARD.

Mars Sesquisquared to Moon

There is a potent energy that animates this full moon by giving it a lot of power to move in any particular direction (based on your intent). Mars comes in and breaks the rhythm that we thought we had. It’s like a big rock in the road that forces you to stop, get off, remove it, then get back on the bike and continue to peddle to your destination.

Jupiter Trine Full Moon

This is a Moon that is under the blessing of Jupiter (N.Node conj. Jupiter = confusion with where to put your trust and faith right now). There’s a strong feeling of abundance and expansion, even in the practical, slow-moving earth sign of Taurus. This is a great time to start manifesting more stability in your life.

Uranus Square to Mars/Venus

Fixed, tense squares here aren’t good for relationships at this time. This aspect occurs in the 8th House from the Moon and in the 5th House from the Moon. By diving deep within, by praying, and fasting, you’ll discover answers to material problems; this could be in the form of new streams of income or the idea of establishing a new, unorthodox way of approaching personal finance.

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