Mars in Cancer 2021: Picking the Wrong Battles

Mars is the energy that allows us to pick fights worthy of our time, appropriately defend our boundaries with others and assert ourselves in the world. A bad mars can act out of emotional frustration, rather than logic. As a result, all the wrong battles are chosen. Fighting lacks a sense of dignity and devolves … Read more

Venus in Taurus for 2021

On April 15th, Venus enters into its home in the earthy sign of Taurus, the first fixed earth sign that pertains to comfort, sensuality, basic human needs and pleasure. It’s a good time to finish manifesting creative projects or do things to make life more enjoyable or creating an aesthetically pleasing environment. Venus feels a … Read more

Sun Ingress into Aries and the First Quarter Lunar Square

Full Moon with an orange tint in a blue night sky

The Sun is transitioning into Aries, having just left the spiritual (often confusing) waters of Pisces on March 21st, as the Moon moves into her First Quarter Square. Decisions are made for the sake of growth. An exalted planet and a dominant planet are squaring each other. That’s a prominent force. When this happens, there are major energetic manifestations, for good or ill. Because the Sun and Moon are friends to each other, the results are quite good. It’s a time to make decisions for where you want to set your roots and flourish. In other instances, namely ones involving malefic planets such as Mars in Capricorn squared Sun in Aries, massive destruction takes place. But unlike this example, this aspect between Sun and Moon is pretty great. It’s about initiating some new vision for your life and nourishing its foundations through healthy emotions. Aires, the sign of the ram, is all about initiating and beginning things out of feelings of inspiration. Cancer, the sign of the crab, is all about initiating emotional connectivity.

The First Quarter Moon square asks us to come to terms with where we are growing our roots and seeking autonomy. This dialectical tension must be balanced out.

Venus Conjunct Sun Square First Quarter Moon

This is a sharp cardinal square in the early degrees of fast-moving planets — decisions between nourishment and creative inspiration happen quickly. Venus represents material luxury, satisfaction and our ability to make healthy decisions. In Aries, she becomes impulsive and passionate. It is a hot and passionate time, one where emotions are also keyed up. Venus is too close to the Sun, making it way, way, way too hot. Let’s not make brash decisions here. It’s not the best time for short-distance travel, as mechanical failures are indicated. However, it is a good time to get in tune with balancing out your individual self-expression alongside your need to have roots and connections to some place — to have a home base.

Venus is obviously weakened in the sign lorded over by Mars, her polar opposite. However, she becomes uplifted (fire rises) by the rays of the kingly Sun. Acting immediately on personal vision and inspiration can help us to make the best decisions in life. Aries is all about beginning things, initiating and sparking something into existence. It represents the head or face region and eastern direction. Venus in Aries is about taking action on our desires, but only after coming to terms with what we feel is emotionally right (Moon in Cancer). The Moon in its waxing position in Cancer is a massive time of growth and receptivity to the good things of life. Venus is about pleasure and the Sun is about what inspires us to be better. This is, all in all, a pretty great combo.

Sun, Chiron and Venus in Aries — Ouch?!

The Sun becomes exalted in the sign of the Ram. Whoever he touches, he enlightens and illuminates. Yet, the power of the Sun is so strong, it dominates whatever it touches, including planets situated in Leo and Sagittarius. They become subordinate to the Sun. There will be a stronger embodiment of self-gratification and self-glorification as a substitute to letting go of (Ketu) old stories and old philosophies on life. Aries can give a strong feeling of a “what’s in it for me?” In this case, the Sun is giving strength to Chiron, the ability to heal psychological wounds within the self/identity.

Chiron is all about pain and the process of healing we do from it. This is so that the soul may undergo further evolution. The Sun in Aries actually illuminates and strengthens Chiron, giving us the purposeful vision and inspiration to heal or cauterize old spiritual wounds (as it were). There is a reason why Chiron specifically orbits between Neptune and Uranus. It is a pathway (the key) between these two worlds: the realm of Poseidon and Prometheus, illusions and revolution. This has a lot to do with breaking down barriers imposed upon our authentic identity. These came about through adhering to social conformity.

We are moving through pains in the ego and accessing bravery to make big decisions for a future life. This transit is also about utilizing your willpower and energy, especially on the mental sphere (mind/communication energy). After some major decisions between forging our own unique path in favor of feeling emotionally connected to your roots, or vice a versa, the Sun’s transit through Aries is about rising to the occasion and facing our pain, then overcoming it. We must act on what we know is right and true, whether or not it gives us material comfort in the moment.

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