Sun Ingress in Virgo: An Eye for Detail

Trevor Scott

droplets of water on leaf

The Sun in Virgo is about illuminating what needs to be set in order in life so that it can run well. It’s the little every day duties that pile up and make life just work. These duties are not often fun, but they exist to support our passions and keep relationships healthy.

Virgo relates to the natural sixth house, which is a bridge between the fifth house of Leo (our passions and self-expression), and the 7th house of Libra (relationships with others).

Assuming responsibility and being intelligent with our life, our talents, wealth or good fortune is not always a pleasurable ‘Venusian’ experience, but it is a necessary one. This Mercury-ruled sign allows us to grow through the use of our intelligence (a problem-solving mechanism).

We should look at the little things that are bringing our energy down or creating depression, sluggishness or anxiety, for that matter. It may be our diet or a cluttered environment that is to blame. There are messy corners in life that need to be cleaned out during this next month.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, along with the 10th sign (action or activity) from Virgo, which is Gemini. Mercury exalted in Virgo presents an opportunity to make lemonade from lemons. Mutable earth takes whatever is given, be it good or ill, poisonous or nutritious, and filters it out, while retaining the good.

The Sun illuminates and makes evident whatever we’ve swept under the rug or attempted to escape from. Pisces, the opposite sign, is where we seek to liberate ourselves and transcend the mundane. Virgo is where we assume responsibility and begin working to improve on our skill or creative talent.

Applying Virgo Principles

  • Develop Good Habits and Routines
  • Stop Being Indolent
  • Take Responsibility for Your Health (proper diet, sleep and routine)
  • Develop Better Structure in Daily Life
  • Look at Making Incremental Improvements
  • Manage Your Energy Output with Discretion (focusing the mind/manas)

How Will the Sun’s Transit in Virgo Play Out?

The great malefic and benefit (Jupiter and Saturn) are retrograde in the 6th sign from the Sun. This month we must work through obstacles presented to us in our health and daily living situation. We have to take ownership of our health as a foundational effort. The Sun purifies through heat and illumination. The sign of Virgo is about dealing with the uncomfortable bits of life: paying bills, doing chores and the like.

Sun Square North Node and South Node

The Sun squaring the nodal points is all about getting our bearings and finding what has to be fixed or adjusted in our life’s purpose or plan in order to move forward. The Sun is about purpose, inspiration, leadership and sacrifice. We may find ourselves sacrificing

The Sun will oppose Neptune (R). That is an aspect of sublimation and self-dissolution. As the Sun indicates a fixed rigid and purposeful consciousness, Neptune will break down barriers and act as a conduit for unseen forces to pierce through.

Neptune is, by far, a stronger planet than the Sun, who has just exited his powerful home in Leo. We might delude or deceive ourselves in terms of what needs to be worked on in life.

The Sun catches up with Mars and conjuncts it, bringing us more energy and motivation to improve the conditions of life. When the Sun trines Uranus in Taurus in mid-degree, there is a unique and harmonious expression of one’s individuality and authenticity through one’s work in the world.

When the Sun trines to Pluto, there is harmonious energy to completely transform our material reality and how we sustain ourselves. Pluto aspects tend to swing to the extremes: extremely productive or extremely destructive.

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