The Secrets of Scorpio: The Karmic Zodiac Sign

Much of the biological descriptions and details assigned to the scorpion arachnid are manifested in the personality of Scorpios. “The vast majority of scorpions are nonsocial, solitary animals that interact only at birth, during courtship, or for cannibalism.” Encyclopedia Brittanica The Symbolism of the Scorpion and a Scorpio’s Personality Their hard shell is a defense mechanism … Read more

Full Moon Capricorn 2023: Listening Deeply

The Full Moon in Capricorn occurs on July 3, 2023 on the day of the Moon. This arguably the most powerful time of 2023 to LISTEN to your inner-spirit. Cancer is all about being comfortable and cozy with what’s familiar, our home, and our immediate environment. Capricorn is the exact opposite. It forces us to … Read more

How to Become More Intelligent Using Astrology

There are a number of factors when judging intelligence in an astrological horoscope, namely Mercury, the Sun, the 5th House, and a few other factors. But it goes deeper than that, including zodiac signs and what they innately symbolize. By understanding some basic astrological principles, there are a number of ways to increase intelligence by … Read more

3 Reasons Why Manifesting Isn’t Working

You visualize over and over, but nothing seems to be working. Does this sound familiar? If you’re getting closer to throwing up your hands and saying “I quit!” — don’t. Here are three reasons why manifesting isn’t working and what you can do to fix it ASAP. 1. It’s Your Energetic Vibration Visualizing helps to … Read more

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