The Future of AI and Astrology

Trevor Scott

“The AI takeover is here!” scream the media. But is the threat really as immediate as most claim? As someone who uses ChatGPT at work, I can say, from personal experience, no, it’s not that threatening. For long-term employment prospects? The stability of civilization itself? — YES. AI is pretty dang terrifying.

What does astrology have to say about AI?

Here is where AI is taking humanity…

We will start to merge with technology. Some of humanity will disagree, choosing to opt out of getting “chipped.” But this comes with its fair share of “cons,” including not being able to have the same level of conveniences that others do. Over time, the technology that was introduced as optional will become mandatory.

All technological adoption within a society trends in this direction — without exception.

In America, for example, can you simply choose not to have a car? What about a laptop? Work, school, and life in general shapes itself around these technologies and demands conformity from all who would participate, willing or not. So, can you opt out of these technologies? No! Obviously not. Although, I guess you could, technically speaking. But why would anyone think to do so?

The point still remains.

AI will drive humanity towards unification with technology. The astrology points to this being a possibility, thought not set in stone.

Neptune in Aries: Dissolution of Identity


  • Neptune conjunct Neptune/Rahu/Saturn: Massive explosive growth in technology that uproots the foundations, and therefore individual identity.
  • Mars anaretic degree trine Neptune: The dispositor of Neptune is fallen; this change will affect the willpower of humanity and assertiveness.
  • Neptune sextile Pluto: Transformation of a generation through technology and culture.

Dissolution of self. This lack of boundaries, so commonly caused by Neptune, will open the gateways of the human vessel to experience greater states of enlightenment, compassion, and joy.

On the other hand, it will also be the beginning of transhumanism. Robotics meeting flesh.

This transit will dissolve humanity’s collective willpower, drive, passion, and individuality. We are seeing this tend occur right now.

There just isn’t a lot of energy to “fight back” against the status quo — especially under a global corporatocracy.

Separation and loneliness have become increasingly relevant issues for people, young and old alike. We are not relating or connecting as often or with as much competency as we once did. Chiron/Sun in Aries shows a lot of ego pain that will force people into escaping through the digital or artificial world, so far down the rabbit hole as to merge with it and give up on living with the authentic self entirely.

Saturn moving through the final degrees of the last sign, Pisces, signifies and end to the structures we rely on, and might even bring up feelings of grief and compassion in the collective. This ingress from Pisces to Aries happened around April 7, 1996, and lasted from 1993-1996. Once Saturn gets out of this “lost” place, it enters into a sign of fall, Aries, where the pressure, fear, and burdens centers upon the ego, the conceptualized self.

What societal changes led us to this point? Simply put…


It’s only a matter of time before the technology moves from being in our hand to being in our brain. Another interpretation of these transits include a loss of collective identity resulting from mass outsourcing of jobs into the hands of AI. This leaves many people (especially those who hyper-identify with their “career”) feeling empty or lost – the quintessential neptunian state of mind (manifested in lower vibrational states).

Neptune impacts the individual identity. But it also aspects other parts of life, spanning from friendships to intimate relationships.

So, as you might imagine, Neptune’s aspect will inevitably have an effect on our relationships with other people – Libra (relationships) is the natural opposite to Aries (self).

This could mean that more and more people develop an intimate, romantic, or plutonic relationship with AI – just like in the movie HER. The dating landscape in 2023 is a wasteland, characterized by fantastically delusional expectations and immature attitudes. Relationships are increasingly artificial and superficial.

So what’s the next step? A relationship with artificial intelligence. Most people have become so flattened by technology, nobody is developing an interesting or unique personality. Many people are literal NPCs, automatons trapped in robotic conformity to the heard. This “social dystopia” (for lack of a better term) isn’t underway. It’s here.

On the plus side, humanity will have a stronger connection to the spiritual dimensions of life. Aries rules over the head. Neptune opens us up to higher dimensions, loosening our “grip” to this world of form.

Pluto Aquarius

Pluto in Capricorn exposed and destroyed some powerful, long-established institutions (at least within the general public zeitgeist). Now it is in an air sign that rules science and technology.

In Aquarius, this energy will work to destroy and renew large parts of our culture, collective humanitarian or social organizations, and technological infrastructure.

AI will take computer-based jobs and erase them, giving way to new roles and positions that will have to be filled.

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