3 Law of Attraction Methods that Work FAST

Trevor Scott

Man meditating on beach near sunset

In recent years, people have become obsessed with the Law of Attraction – the idea of manifesting physical events through one’s mind. It can work; but for most people, it just DOES NOT WORK at all.

Here’s the reality: Manifesting through LOA is quite difficult. It requires a tremendous amount of mental focus and energetic output — not to mention disinterest. Why disinterest? Because when you want something too much, you build resistance to it and it doesn’t come.

Many people ask, “How do I start manifesting correctly?” Or…“Does manifesting even work?”

In this post, we’ll cover three Law of Attraction techniques that will allow you to start manifesting with ease!

DISCLAIMER: Keep in mind that you’ll need to practice in order to get good at visualizing, feeling sensations, or ignoring negative, cynical thoughts.

How Does Manifesting Work?

Thought is energy – a vibration. And if put to good use, it can interact with the holographic world that is around us (the matrix) and attract back to us similar vibrations.

“In your own bosom you bear your heaven and earth, And all you behold, though it appears without, It is within, in your imagination, Of which this world of mortality is but a shadow.”

William Blake

What is the Most Powerful Manifesting Technique?

There are many manifesting methods: scripting, affirmations, mantras, etc.

However, this is by far THE most powerful technique.

Imagine it. Feel it as if you already have it. Let it go and become completely disinterested in it. This is the most powerful technique.

Feel it as if you already have it in the present. Let it go and become completely disinterested in it. This is the most powerful technique.

Let it go and become completely disinterested in it.

1. Visualize it in the 1st Person

See it from the first-person perspective!

Don’t put pressure on visualizing perfectly.

This should be a fun exercise where you can indulge in your desires for free. Take a vacation, have relationships, or eat amazing food. With time, your visualizing technique will grow stronger. Conveniently, your third eye will be purified too.

BEST BOOK TO LEARN VISUALIZATION: Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon.

Move through your activities in your mind’s eye. Leverage ALL of the senses: smell, touch, taste, and sound.

2. Feel the Emotion

You MUST saturate your mental picture with emotion. This will give your imaginal act life, a sort of charge or energy.

A good strategy is to think about another positive event that occurred in your past. What did you feel in that moment? Replicate this feeling in your imagination.

The goal here is to actually give yourself the desire you want in the physical on the mental and emotional plane. Experience the fullness of your imaginal act.

3. Assume You Have it

Assume it is real. You already have it. You’re enjoying it right now. Be grateful.

This obviously means letting go. Stop stressing over it, waiting for it to get here.

Would someone looking for the results of their manifestation be someone who already has it? NOPE. So drop it.

Final Advice: Using Law of Attraction Methods & Cultivating Faith

You might be skeptical that the Law of Attraction works. The best way to curb skepticism is through first-hand experience. Even if you have one manifestation come true, it will be enough to solidify your faith in it.

Personally, whenever I feel that it doesn’t work, I always remind myself of a past imaginative event that came true.

My LOA Story: It was years ago, but I had imagined a situation with such rich detail, down to the most minutest trivial thing, like the creases in the clothes a person was wearing and the temperature of the room.

Not long afterwards, that event came to pass in EXACT replication. My logical, analytical mind screamed that it was just a coincidence. Something like this is NOT possible! But the fact remained…

The physical event that had transpired was too much alike what I had originally imagined. In fact, it wasn’t even similar. It was a PRECISE replication of my imaginal act. This was all the proof I needed.

When I lose faith, I remind myself of this manifestation. It’s one thing to manifest something similar to what you’re wanting. It’s another thing altogether to create something with exact precision.

Try these three LOA exercises. Once something like this happens to you, it will be a jarring experience that violently wakes you from deep sleep. You’ll start to gain more control over your newfound ability to draw in specific experiences and conditions.

It all starts with using the right Law of Attraction method for you.

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2 thoughts on “3 Law of Attraction Methods that Work FAST”

    • It’s important to master Law of Attraction principles at this time. Society and its collective institutions are disintegrating (Pluto Capricorn – Pluto Aquarius), there’s massive global financial instability (Uranus in Taurus), people are suffering from extreme delusion and lies (Neptune in Pisces). So, despite crap hitting the fan, we can still focus on our individual lives and start manifesting a good life in the midst of absolute global madness.


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