2022 Astrological Transit: Transformation of Values

Trevor Scott

It is truly a mad year. The coming decade will also be madness. Sink or swim. Learn from what the collective is experiencing and make changes in your personal life to adapt. The connection to the spiritual realm of being has never been stronger. What we think and feel intensely comes to pass.

The Don’ts and Don’ts…

Do not let the mind be devoured by the larger evil forces in the world. Do not become a martyr. Do not engage in self-sacrifice. Do not become an Edward Snowden, a man who, in his own words, “burned his life to the ground” to wake people up only to find out that nobody cared. There is no fighting spirit within human beings anymore.

There is only a desire for comfort and stability (Taurus, a grazing, complacent bull in the field) and a total willingness to be a subservient slave without choice, without any personal will, just listless and impotent. It’s a perfectly fine way to live to the average person.

As a result, here we are. Trapped. The wars and conflicts appear as physical. Their cause is unseen; it is spiritual.

It all comes down to Personal Values.

Western societies in particular (the world at large) has a crisis on values. We emphasize and invest in the wrong things in life. Personally, as someone with many 10th house planets, I obsessed over my career. I discovered that careers and slaving away at work doesn’t matter. Relationships and experiences matter far more.

Meaning, Connection and Spiritual Experience matters.

We all must face death. Our lives are short. The hours become days and weeks, months then years. It passes and the larger forces (governments, agencies, organizations etc.) churn and turn, greedily working to chip away the lives of individuals who are damned to reincarnate in an endless and perpetually vain (idiotic) cycle of mediocre existences, no more noble than that of an earth worm. Eat. Sleep. Defecate. Work. Get Horny. Clean. Repeat.

Jupiter in Pisces: Purpose and Expanded Vision

Despite the drab predicament we find ourselves in, life can be filled with meaning. A strong Jupiter in Pisces for 2022 will mean that more people will be moved to get involved in spirituality and escape the mundane humdrum of daily life in search of something more.

Personally, I’ve seen a lot of suffering in life. I have allowed it to color my worldview and my philosophy on life into a rather pessimistic one akin to figures like Arthur Schopenhauer, a famous proponent and advocate for not reproducing to save others from experiencing the pains of earthly life. The modern term for this branch of philosophy is “anti-natalism.” I’ve grown increasingly sympathetic towards it.

This is why having a spiritual practice is vital. It ties into having strong and healthy values to guide your decisions in life. Without spirituality and without any connection to something beyond the physical, these philosophical positions take hold. One can overcome it through speaking positive, empowering words, to think and feel differently.

The world is a spiritual test. It is designed to destroy the ego and expand the spirit, which entails plenty of suffering. By working with the natural indications of the planets and the natural flow of energy for any given year, one can mitigate the inherent horror of a human birth.

Mars, Pluto, Venus Capricorn Conjunction

The energy of Mars, the soothing and binding nature of Venus and the intensely powerful nature of Pluto come together in an earthy feminine sign and create a harmonious, easy energetic bond with the North Node (where we are going or our soul’s deepest desires).

This is an excellent time to create new structures and routines (Root Chakra, the earth element of Muladhara) and expand one’s sense of purpose and empowerment. One can break free from addictions and establish a new way of living.

Sun Square the Lunar Nodes: Purpose at Odds with Destiny

The Sun enters in to Pisces, where its energies become boundless and the soul yearns for freedom and connection to something that is greater and more sublime than the material world.

The Sun is a cruel indicator in astrology. It is burning hot. It elevates or destroys things in life, just like a king who must make decrees, bestowing boons or saying “off with his head.” It’s a positive indicator when situated with a beneficial planet like Jupiter. This month will be one of joy.

However, with this transit, there is a conflict between our sense of duty or obligation to the collective and our personal desire for greater security or the need to eliminate darker states of consciousness (fixed, stuck emotions that are indicated by south node in Scorpio). Moreover, there is a loss of direction and an inappropriate use of one’s power. There must be more discretion put into one’s own life and the direction one should head in.

North Node Taurus Trine Planetary Lord (Venus)

The north node in Taurus will demand the following from humanity:

  • Live by your own unique set of values, NOT those given to you by society
  • Create self-sufficiency, self-love and self-respect
  • Let go of fear or rigid control – know you have none – rather, embrace personal structures that support you

Imagine a prison where you are confined, your will is being imposed upon and you are corralled and controlled through implicit and explicit forms of violence, brought on by both the individual and the collective. You don’t have much room for decisions. The world is becoming very much like an open-air prison.

Once trapped, there are two things you have control over: Your Mind & Your Body. Trials of life are here to temper and perfect your consciousness. No matter how mundane life gets. The purpose is to master your consciousness, the mind, body and emotions.

You will have to LET GO and stop controlling for the environment. Embrace a new set of values, even if they’re shocking or contradictory (Uranus in Taurus).

The current pressures that are being played out on the collective level (Aquarius) are manifestations of internal dysfunction amplified to a massive scale. Individuals create their lives through thought and emotion. In unison, they create entire nations, cultures and events – namely for evil.

By shifting thought and emotion, embracing a spiritual discipline and committing to it, one can avoid the chaotic madness that will be experienced by the masses.

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