Trevor Scott

Saturn's Transit for Capricorn Ascendant

Why is Saturn’s transit especially important for a Capricorn?

If you are a Capricorn, Saturn is your ruling planet. He directly governs your sign and the energies it expresses.

How does Saturn’s transit through different zodiac signs affect each natal planet in Capricorn?

Let’s say you’re a Capricorn Ascendant or a Capricorn Sun (born December 22 – January 19)…

Saturn will motivate you to express your identity through different avenues of life.

But this changes depending on the planet!

If you were born with Venus in Capricorn, your values surrounding relationships will find expression in a particular area of life (might be the career – 1oth house or through personal efforts – 3rd house, etc.).

How Saturn’s Transit Affects Capricorn Planets

ASCENDANT: Your personality, life path, and responsibilities will dramatically shift

MOON: How you achieve emotional security will be different

VENUS: Your core values and your ability to give and take in relationships gets restructured

MERCURY: The very way you think and manage your life in a disciplined fashion must change

MARS: Your willpower and energy level might decrease or increase

JUPITER: Your relationship to children, your finances, and sense of faith will shift

SATURN: Reviewing life lessons and personal karmic burdens

Saturn in Aries Transit: Capricorn’s 4th House

4th House: home, family, support system, emotional states, vehicles

Saturn in Aries: acting impulsively on fears and anxieties, slowing down on a personal level

Your roots are getting restructured.

Saturn in Taurus Transit: Capricorn’s 5th House

5th House: romance, fun, children, creativity, intelligence, counseling

Saturn in Taurus: acting impulsively on fears and anxieties, slowing down on a personal level

Are you living your passion? Are you really getting the most out of the sensual and earthy side of life?

Saturn in Gemini Transit: Capricorn’s 6th House

6th House: health, daily work life, obstacles, routines, and immediate goals

Saturn in Gemini: Slow, disciplined use of dexterity, skills and communication

Cappy, you’ve got a million things to do in your day-to-day workflow – jumping from one thing to the next. But this time, you’ll need to take it slow. Your nervous system needs a rest.

Saturn in Cancer Transit: Capricorn’s 7th House

7th House: relationships, marriage, business, sexuality, and trade

Saturn in Cancer: Hardening emotions and disciplining the internal psychological state

No. This isn’t what you think. Saturn transiting your 7th house/sign won’t block relationships from coming to you. YOU will be engaging with other people FAR more.

Saturn in Leo Transit: Capricorn’s 8th House

8th House: relationships, marriage, business, sexuality, and trade

Saturn in Leo: shattering the ego and self esteem to take a cold look at what’s TRUE vs what is a fantasy projected from insecurity

This transit is GREAT for extending your lifespan. But you may get your ego checked. You, Capricorn, must dive headfirst into the unpredictable, the scary unknown and risk humiliation.

Your lesson is to stop caring what OTHER PEOPLE think of you. They have their own issues that they’re desperate to cover up; remember that.

Saturn in Virgo Transit: Capricorn’s 9th House

9th House: foreign travel, publishing, university education, grandchildren, and belief systems

Saturn in Virgo: working hard to purify, refine, and correct the world around you

You might just take a trip to a foreign land (or a cross-country trip) for business. You’ll purify yourself and find a new you once you do. Moreover, you’ll be restructuring your beliefs in some way.

You’ll certainly have some new ideas to consider after the ego-crushing crucible that was the 8th house Saturn transit!

The lesson here is to find a working, practical, and functioning belief system to carry you through life’s difficulties.

Saturn in Libra Transit: Capricorn’s 10th House

10th House: career, fame, reputation, father, authority figures, government

Saturn in Libra: bringing a patient, fair and balanced review of your relationships and core values (what things are worth)

This is a HUGE opportunity to get out there and make a dent in the universe. Your career and fame in the world will see positive growth.

YOU, Capricorn, are going to be finding more ways to positively impact the world (and make money) through compromise and relationship-building.

Saturn in Scorpio Transit: Capricorn’s 11th House

11th House: friends, social networks, dreams and goals

Saturn in Scorpio: tackling one’s emotional demons and having the courage and discipline to look within and find true transformation

This is BIG opportunity. Depending on how your Mars is in your horoscope, you may have the energy, courage, and willpower to seize this moment and make significant changes to your social circle. The people you hang around will determine your destiny.

Saturn in Sagittarius Transit: Capricorn’s 12th House

12th House: foreign lands, secrets, bedroom pleasures, unconscious states, spirituality, confinement, enlightenment

Saturn in Sagittarius: disciplining one’s hopes, ideals, and beliefs into something concrete and manageable

Don’t be alarmed. You’ll be a bit of a recluse for the next 2 or 3 years. It’s time to “clean house” – so to speak.

All of the unconscious JUNK that has filled your head needs to GO. You need a spiritual cleaning. This is the perfect time to meditate, discipline your thinking, and clear your emotions.

That buoyant, jovial, free spirited energy (Sagittarius) will come out more as you take time away from the insanity of the world and seek wisdom from within.

Saturn in Capricorn Transit: Capricorn Ascendant

1st House/Ascendant: Your identity, life path, physical body, and sense of self

Saturn in Capricorn: Saturn’s true placement, where you can achieve a lot of enduring positive results in life by sacrificing personal pleasure for greater goals

Here’s the karmic lesson: you need to reevaluate why you are here (on earth). Start making significant changes to how you structure your day, how you interact with other people. You might have a makeover. You could lose a TON of a weight.

Right now, you have the energy to propel yourself forward in a slow, step-by-step manner.

Saturn in Aquarius Transit: Capricorn’s 2nd House

2nd House: Finances, self-esteem, family, food, income, assets

Saturn in Aquarius: harmonious expression of unique, unorthodox ideas in group settings or on a society-wide basis

You’ll be all-in on trying to accumulate more wealth and become more resourceful, or self-reliant at this time. There are plenty of opportunities available to you to start building a better diet plan or personal budget for that matter.

Saturn in Pisces Transit: Capricorn’s 3rd House

3rd House: Siblings, short-distance trips, hobbies, mental state, creative skills, competitive sports

Saturn in Pisces: Releasing emotional fears of letting go and attuning to the cosmic will, not the individual will. A mutable water sign signifies changing one’s emotional, psychic state. Allow, do not force.

You are building your skills, going to school, learning more, and exploring new concepts. This transit can really build up your resourcefulness and capacity to express yourself fully in this life. You’ll be more engaged in your community and eager to take on new experiences.

How Saturn’s Transits Through the Elements Affects the Sign of Capricorn

Wherever Saturn goes, no matter the sign, you follow, Capricorn.

The elements play a HUGE role in how life plays out.

During a Saturn transit, are you focused on building up what inspires your creativity?

What about finances and work?

Diving into emotional and psychological changes?

Or…building solid relationships?


For Capricorn, the fire signs are connected to the internal world, the psychological, emotional, and other worldly. These are the natural moksha houses in a Capricorn’s astrology chart: 4th house, 8th house, and 12th house.
CANCER: relationships, connections to other people
SCORPIO: your social connections and goals
PISCES: skills, knowledge and self-expression

Consider how your life moves with the flow of the universe and how you can find emotional security through what you do.


For Capricorn, the air signs are the natural indicators of work, sustenance, and material support. When planets like Saturn transit air signs, they trigger a Capricorn’s natural: 2nd house, 6th house, and 10th house.
GEMINI: relationships, connections to other people
LIBRA: your social connections and goals
AQUARIUS: skills, knowledge and self-expression

You must tackle problems, be they related to health or finances, with objectivity and mental discipline.


For Capricorn, the fire signs are connected to the internal world, the psychological, emotional, and other worldly. There is a deep burning power within Capricorn exactly for this reason. Fire signs are the natural moksha houses in a Capricorn’s astrology chart: 4th house, 8th house, and 12th house.
ARIES: your home, family, and emotional wellbeing
LEO: sexuality, trust, psychological wounds, and joint financial assets
SAGITTARIUS: unconscious states, seclusion, foreign lands

Consider whether or not you are living in accordance to your passions and true desires and how this affects your internal, psychological state.


Capricorn is an earth sign. So whenever planets like Saturn move through other earth signs, they’re on the same “wavelength.” You are working on the most personal areas of your personality, since the earth signs rule the houses associated with self-expression: 1st house, 5th house, and 9th house.
TAURUS: romantic relationships, children, and artistic self-expression
VIRGO: beliefs, cultural identity, and creative publications
CAPRICORN: one’s identity, physical body, life path and trajectory

Find a more seamless way to move through your life, taking into account the practical expression of your true identity.

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