Florence Scovel Shinn’s Astrology Chart Explained

Trevor Scott

Florence Scovel Shinn 1800s apparel woman smelling a rose

Although her exact birth time is unknown, Florence Scovel Shinn’s astrology chart is undoubtedly powerful, having two planets exalted and three planets in strength.

When things went well, they went really well. When things went wrong, they felt downright devastating.

She was an artist and illustrator who became a spiritual teacher and author in her later years.

It’s not surprising.

Sun and Venus are both in a powerful sign that pertains to creative design, fashion, marriage, and artistic beauty.


Most personal planets are cardinal signs (impulsive personality).

3 air signs, 2 earth signs, 2 water signs (balanced, harmonious feminine energy, intuition, receptivity).

Zero fire signs (needs more love and acceptance to feel positive and happy in life)

Different planets have different intentions. Venus has a vastly different purpose than Jupiter. Saturn has a different intent to Venus.

The Sun & Moon in her Astrology Chart

The Sun and Moon are the most important factors to look at.

Sun in Libra: suave, romantic, artistic, and easy-going.

Moon in Aquarius: unique, progressive, humanitarian, open-minded, and friendship-oriented.

The Sun is square to the north node. Her father, authority figures, or a general lack of self-confidence could have contributed to drifting away from her true destiny.

The Moon is in trine to Venus, a great aspect for artistic talent or ease of self-expression.

The Soul Planet & Career Planet

Mars holds the highest degree. The soul is here to establish bravery and to enter into the mysterious, the hidden part of life, the occult and unknown (Scorpio themes).

Jupiter holds the second-highest degree and shows that her soul’s purpose is to teach and guide others in a unique, unorthodox manner, to go against the mainstream conventions of her current time and society.

Florence Scovel Shinn’s Weakest Planet

SUN IN LIBRA: opposite to Chiron in Aries, there is a lot of wounding around the ego and self esteem. This person seeks out others to help affirm who they are and wishes to be seen as a socially astute, high-society type.
Saturn damages the Sun in her chart. This indicates issues with the father’s health and feelings of inferiority or fears around being a strong, independent individual who follows their unique vision. Her family expected her to be a particular way.

Florence Scovel Shinn’s Strongest Planets

VENUS IN LIBRA: (retrograde) Difficulties in love until she learns to love herself and own her own power, Venus being with the Sun.
JUPITER IN CANCER: Exalted and aspecting Mars, she has innate wisdom that comes out when she applies her willpower and assertiveness towards digging for truth.
MERCURY IN VIRGO: (retrograde) Exceptionally powerful intellect and the ability to communicate with clarity.
SATURN IN CAPRICORN: Naturally powerful position for Saturn. Enormous strength of character and grit is bestowed on such people.
MARS IN SCORPIO: Just like Saturn, Mars in Scorpio offers an enormous willpower and internal strength.

Destiny and Karma

North Node Gemini: She will be developing her intellect, skills, communication ability, and and having an easy time of it (since Mercury is exalted).

South Node Sagittarius: Letting go of old beliefs and accepting new, progressive or unorthodox beliefs and philosophies in the current lifetime (Uranus with Jupiter).

Both South Node and North Node planetary lords are exalted, the push and pull between past life karma and future destiny was strong. The battle took place between the lower mind (Mercury) and higher mind (Jupiter).

Saturn Conjunct South Node

There’s a fixation on negativity and the problems of life. This stems from anxieties carried forward from the past life. There might be a lack of structure growing up.

T-Square: Venus and Chiron Square Saturn

A T-square is an aspect that gets someone up and moving. This is an internal tension. When it two planets hit Saturn, the individual becomes ambitious and strong.

Florence Scovel Shinn’s Solar Arc Astrology

1925 – she started her spiritual career with her first self-published book, “The Game of Life and How to Play it.” Planets progress over her soul planet (Mars) activating her purpose.

1914 – Mercury moves into a new sign, showing an interest in the occult and a slight shift in one’s mental state, square to natal moon (a psychological shift) that ties into her purpose (N. Node Gemini – Mercury rules this part of her life).

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