Astrology Transits for 2025: The top things to prepare for

Trevor Scott

Planetary Retrogrades of 2025

Here’s the major trend…psycho-spiritual changes.

In the year 2025, the majority of retrogrades will occur in water signs. Expect MASSIVE psychological changes and internal resolutions. The water element deals with the spiritual, the internal, the sensitive and psychoanalytical. It’s not like the element of earth (finances and pragmatic day-to-day issues) or even fire (what inspires us to keep living).


Even Mercury retrograde starts in Sagittarius and moves into Scorpio. Humanity is going to have to decide whether or not to take the next steps in spiritual evolution and enter the New Earth, or devolve into a dull state of meaninglessness. The water element gives substance to life. It nourishes and fuels life itself. Without it, we die. In fact, all of life originates from the water. Humanity evolved from amphibious creatures to land-dwelling mammals. The root of our being starts in the water.

Mars: Retrograde in Leo

January 1, 2025 begins with a retrograde Mars in Leo that moves back into Cancer.

The New Year starts off with a BANG. Mars opposing Pluto AND Moon in Aquarius! This is massive shift in the collective.

Uranus: Retrograde in Taurus

September 1, 2024 — January 30, 2025

From the start of January till the end of the month, Uranus, the planet of unpredictability, revolutions, and collective consciousness reflects its energies into itself. This is when we reassess how we’ll earn more money and become resourceful for the upcoming year.

Mercury: Retrogrades in Fire & Water Signs

March 15 – April 25, 2025 (Mercury in Aries to Pisces)

Stop stressing over every little detail and imperfection. Let go and start shifting the mind towards establishing stronger emotional bonds and get out of your own way.

The lord of Mercury in Aries is Mars (in debilitation or weakened energy).

But this Mercury doesn’t just retrograde back into Pisces, it conjoins Venus. This is great for fun, indulgence, material satisfaction and embracing one’s core passions.

July 18 – Aug 11, 2025 (Mercury in Leo)

Reflect and review. Are you managing your life for the ULTIMATE good? This is your life, after all. Think about how you can strengthen your world, your kingdom, your individual spark (life itself).

November 9 – 29th, 2025 (Mercury in Sagittarius to Scorpio)

This is where there is moment of true confusion and a misdirection of energies as it relates to teaching, travel, commerce, communication, and logistics. If any retrograde Mercury goes haywire, it’s this one.

Pluto: Retrograde in Aquarius

May 4 – October 14, 2025

Pluto, lord of the underworld, will appear to be moving backwards. This is an invitation to reclaim the shadowy parts of ourselves. Anything you have blocked, suppressed, denied, rejected, or disowned will rise to the surface at this time.

Be careful of violent outbursts and meltdowns. Mars opposes Pluto right as it moves retrograde (internalized aggression).

Nearly half of the year will have a Pluto retrograde. This year is a time of spiritual contemplation and reflection. So much of what we thought we knew is going away.

Neptune: Retrograde from Aries to Pisces

July 5 – December 10, 2025

Most of the year will be defined by this retrograde Neptune. Confusion. Rose-colored glasses. Delusions. Zero boundaries.

Saturn: Retrograde in Pisces

July 13 – November 28, 2025

It’s time for humanity to relearn some life lessons related to LETTING GO and LETTING GOD.

Saturn will station direct and return to normal motion on November 28th!

However, that’s 4 WHOLE MONTHS of:

  • Becoming still
  • Turning inward for self-introspection
  • Releasing trapped emotions
  • Meditating and contemplating one’s spiritual truth

Jupiter: Retrograde from Gemini into Cancer

Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini — October 9, 2024 into the New Year of 2025, THEN ends February 4, 2025

From November 11th till NEXT YEAR (2026), Jupiter retrogrades in Cancer – the sign of exaltation.


Saturn Transits into Aries (Debilitation)

Saturn enters into the first fire sign. We may feel sluggish this year. After all, the planet of slow, dull, and methodical plodding is in the sign of one’s self, the physical body or identity. The world’s sorrows and troubles really bare down on one’s ego.

You may feel like you have to just “go it alone” this year. Just be careful not to act suddenly and impulsively on your fears and anxieties. The world may be crumbling, but you won’t. You will become stronger as the 2025 passes.

September 1, 2025 — Saturn moves BACK into Pisces. It’s time to take a break and learn about the spiritual side of life again.

Neptune Transits into Aries

From feeling comfortable in his own sign of Pisces, the God of delusion, mystery, and fantasy moves into the sign of selfhood and individuality, Aries. This is a Civil War aspect (1861 – 1865).

It’s a great divide in human consciousness. Neptune will dissolve parts of the self that are not in alignment with the tech-based, humanitarian new world that is being built through demolition (Aquarius Pluto).

The Eclipses of 2025: The Psychological Turning Points


March 14, 2025 —

The mind finds solace in the spiritual realm, not the materialistic, busy-body atmosphere of day to day life. You’ll need to let go of perfection at this time. While Venus, our values that pertain to our core identity, are refined and recalibrated. You will have to find stillness in the spiritual, the unseen realms dictated by Neptune.


March 29, 2025

This massive conglomeration of planets is a turning point for one’s destiny (it connects with the north node). Dramatic rise in pharmaceutical use and deaths related to drugs, bodies of water (don’t drink the tap), and disputes over oil.

The planetary lord of the New Moon is lacking energy in Cancer, yet trine to the N. Node (destiny), Venus (luxury and comfort), and Saturn (work, servitude). This may lead you to initiate a new project or discover the next steps in life.


September 7, 2025 —

Cleaning house and eliminating the junk out of your life is critical here. You might feel lost in the sauce with this lunar eclipse. It’s a time of emotional confusion and being overwhelmed by Saturn-driven negativity. Stay positive and focus on that trine to Jupiter in Cancer (the energetic outlet). Meanwhile, Pluto and Uranus retrograde in air signs (the mind must transform and be renewed) at critical degrees. This is the beginning of a technological breakthrough in collective communications.


September 21, 2025

The mystical Grand Kite aspect (grand trine with an opposition) is a gateway to new opportunities. Your structure must be a spiritual one, grounded in the divine. Stop looking for material security in the dense, dark 3D reality. True security lies within.


Saturn, Neptune & North Node Conjunct in Pisces

February 19, 2025 – Saturn conjunct Neptune defines the year!

Saturn and Neptune means there’s no security. You will build security as you serve others, start taking on a spiritual practice, and start finding new ways to build a foundation. Neptune dissolves whatever it touches.

2025 (the ENTIRE YEAR) is defined by this conjunction. Let go of the old, unconscious beliefs that are keeping you stuck, frigid, and isolated.

October 12 – 19, 2025 — Rahu with Neptune in Pisces

The deepest levels of enlightenment. OR… the deepest levels of delusion and addiction are seen with this transit.

The north node will expand the qualities of Pisces with dramatic force. Be wary of false teachers, gurus, prophets who will guide you to ultimate fulfillment or enlightenment.

Stay AWAY from large bodies of water. NO cruises this year. It’s just too dangerous with these transits (worst interpretation: drowning in a foreign place).

Jupiter Venus Conjunction: Love and Wisdom

August 3, 2025 – August 18, 2025

This is an exceptional time for:

  • Spiritual service
  • Nurturing love, romance, and relationships
  • Calling to service of others or compassionate caretaking
  • Vacation or a rest and relaxation period

Mars Conjunct Mercury: Making Battle Plans

October 7 – November 17, 2025

  • Focus your mind and energy on gathering your resources together
  • Manage taxes and other people’s money during this time
  • Schedule physical therapy
  • Rework plumbing on your property

Pluto squares Mercury from October 3 – 11: This will be the most incredible adjustment to how you manage your life and how you manage your time.

October 13 — Grand Trine Water in Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer: This is a powerful time of creative, inspired writing or art. It can also be a period of healing.

Kite Aspect Pattern: The Gateway Opens

There are multiple Grand Kite aspect patterns that occur in the latter-part of 2025. It’s a time of tremendous opportunities.

October 14, 2025 — The power of this aspect rests with Neptune (spirituality, drugs, escapism, music, art, and mysticism) and releases the tension through a powerful Venus in Libra. This is the time to create the magnus opus, the art of a lifetime. It can also be the start of a beautiful, spiritually-based relationship.

Nov. 24, 2025 — This Grand Kite aspect centers on the Moon (intuitive knowing) in Capricorn (work and career) and catapults energy out towards Jupiter (exalted in the sign of the home and heart-felt connections).

This is a time of deep emotional transformation and bravery. The tension will release into how your heart (emotional center) expresses energy out into the world. The sacral and heart chakra can be healed from past-life traumas during this time.

Astrological Transits of 2025: In Conclusion

This year will involve heavy spiritual growth. So many spiritual planets are in Sattvic, holy signs (water signs) that are meant to flow towards the collective good.

This is also the year of 9. In numerology, the number 9 is the final stage of evolution before entering the master numbers: 11, 22, 33, etc. It’s the last call to move from the lower-realm to the higher. Humanity is moving deeper into the Age of Aquarius (the electric age).

The number 9 represents spirituality, compassion, acts which serve the greatest good. Considering how many aspects will occur in water signs (spirituality and psychic development), this is perfectly synchronistic. God moves through humanity. God is mankind in the process of awakening to something more profound.

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