Sun in Leo Transit for July 22nd – August 22nd 2021

Trevor Scott

Sun setting above clouds

The Sun enters into his power. This is where we have to solidify our vision and purpose for life. It is a time to enhance one’s overall kingdom, increase vitality and express individual strengths to the world. It is bold, proud and unafraid of public criticism. Sun in Leo adds consistency, power and energy to some area of life. Whatever house is in Leo, there will be a surge in activity and confidence associated with it.

The Sun will have recently emerged through Cancer, an active water sign where emotions get purified and our home life is highlighted. The asset of our emotional well-being is often our purpose, self-confidence and passions (creative hobbies, children etc.). The sign of Leo is characterized by a fixed determined fire that wishes to rise higher in life, to ascend past limitations (Saturn – the opposite sign) and embrace more positive relationships (3rd sign aspect of Libra) and ideals about who they are in the world (9th sign aspect of Aries).

Now it is time to shine light upon what inspires and engages us in life. Embrace passion and energy this month. Whether you’re a Leo ascendant and you are putting yourself out there to other people, or you’re a Capricorn and gaining more enthusiasm for intimate relationships and occult matters, you are likely to find yourself able to confidently express certain areas of life.

Key Themes of the Sun in Leo:


The counselors to the kingdom are weak (Mercury and Venus aren’t feeling too well). Mercury is starved by the Moon and Venus is, naturally, in debilitation. But the general (Mars) and his king (Sun) feel very strong. This means we can see a month where we might have to listen to our personal passions and desires, rather than to wait something out or to rely on others to dictate what is right for us (parents, friends, society etc.).

Competing and getting help from one’s male friends, warriors or those who work with their hands to sustain or fix things in the world is beneficial during this month. Fortify your castle and put the stones in place. Take the throne and sit upon the powerful space of one’s inner-most being (Manipura Chakra — the solar energy center). This energy center is highlighted whenever the Sun enters into Leo.

Jupiter is still in retrograde in the 8th sign from the Sun, signifying a hidden guide that assists us with expressing our solar power. Yet, Jupiter moves back into Aquarius again on July 28th. Take action and finish up the big idealistic and dreamy projects now. Don’t think about things too much, as Mercury gets too moody in Cancer and doesn’t think clearly; it’s just too controlled by the emotions of the moment to make good decisions. And Venus is just too picky to let loose, relax and provide the ability to make good decisions. You, the Sun or Soul, at the moment, are the greatest counselor, advisor and guide.

Mercury quickly catches up to the Sun and joins it in the kingdom of Leo on August 2nd. Yet on July 28th, Mercury enters a confusing period between elements of fire and water, creating a steam or mist. It’s a temporary moment where we are confused about how we manage the affairs of our life correctly and how to communicate our desires to other people. Furthermore, Mercury in Leo creates a fire trine to the Southern Node (Ketu). Here comes curiosity about the old stories and narratives we have been told. The ease of this trine aspect allows us to purify and incorporate the previously acquired beliefs, be they good or ill, into our core identity and our life.

At the same time, however, both Mercury and Sun oppose a powerful Saturn in Aquarius (R). The battle between the dark and light, the servitude of the masses and the power of the king. It’s the moment where we start thinking about our life trajectory, getting real about what responsibilities we owe to others, what sacrifices must be made to sustain our passions and creative joys. For instance, in order to keep playing music or dancing, we must do a rather repetitive job (Saturn) for the betterment of other people (symbol of the water bearer in the 7th house).

The Sun in Leo will also make a trine to Chiron starting on July 27th and extending until August 12th. This is the potential to heal wounds related to our identity and our passions. This highlights whether or not we have drifted off course from passion and purpose into a malaise, or whether we have stayed the course despite the obstacles or impediments that come in the form of external judgement.

The Sun in Leo is ultimately a very positive 30 days in a year. The most important and special part of ourselves should be emphasized — the soul.

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