New Moon in Aquarius Astrology for 2022

Trevor Scott

*** Disclaimer: all posts are written months in advance without knowing the “latest news” only the planetary alignment ***

Saturn Moon Sun – A New World Order

January 31st — Saturn being the strongest planet in conjunction to the New Moon, means we may not be living by our inspiration, or by our emotional longing for comfort. It’s important to set a realistic intention of how we wish to live as individuals. We must consider things like duty and responsibility. That’s what Saturn is, the bare-bones basics. Saturn provides structure, order and simplicity to life.

On the personal level, you must simplify your life and get involved with the right groups, friends and technology (Aquarius) that will allow you to live a new, better life.

Mars/Venus gives passion, pressure, energy and enough anxiety to get up and change things related to relationships, trade and assets. It’s a hidden asset to this new moon (12th sign), providing an invisible support.

Mercury/Pluto completely destroys and changes how we exchange information with one another (emails, letters, calls etc.). Hidden information comes to light and adds to the decision to embrace a new unusual way of living life (Aquarius new moon).

Astrology transits for New Moon in Aquarius for January 2022

Aquarius New Moon at Angles from Nodes – Activated Destiny

This is THE time for massive shifts in the collective regarding what WE NEED (Taurus: finances, security, stability) and the toxic controlling psychological games we are letting GO of (Scorpio: sex, occult, control, obsession). Mars in Capricorn ruling the south node is exalted, giving us the strength to overcome all psychological hangups keeping us from getting the comfort, sensuality and satisfaction (Taurus North Node) we deserve as human beings in a “civilized society.” Both of these nodal lords (Mars & Venus) are sitting conjunct with one another. Our destiny and our past meet and we begin hashing out internal psychological structures that give us ego-pain to our identity (Square to Chiron Aries).

Uranus – God of the Heavens: Bringing Fire to Mankind

This is a new moon for bringing new, fresh experiences into life! This is egalitarian, universal and beneficial to mankind. Why? Uranus, the lord/ruler of Aquarius is at an angle to Aquarius, in the 4th sign (the roots, foundation and home of the collective). Uranus square the New Moon gives a lot of tension and a decision must be made.

Ask the question:

What do we need to have to get to our ideal future?

Uranus is associated with the myth of Prometheus, a man who stole fire from the Gods and gave it to mankind in order for them to progress in their evolution and make life easier. He was, of course, punished by the Gods (Saturn: no good deed goes unpunished).

Uranus about breaking free, rebelling and making life bearable for everyone who is burdened. We will see that in this new moon.

On the personal level, where do you wish to break free and create a new structure or new foundation for your life? That is an area to highlight with this new moon.

Depending on what house the new moon transits, that area gets awakened:

Aquarius 1st House.: new identity, self-image or a life path

Aquarius 2nd House: new assets or ways to make money

Aquarius 3rd House: new way of thinking and communicating

Aquarius 4th House: new home life or car/house

Aquarius 5th House: new experiences in creative freedom

Aquarius 6th House: new working conditions and day job

Aquarius 7th House: new relationships and friendships

Aquarius 8th House: new investments and intimate relations

Aquarius 9th House: new travel plans or beliefs

Aquarius 10th House: new career or public image

Aquarius 11th House: new friends, network circles or income streams

Aquarius 12th House: new spiritual insights and personal pleasures

Economic Conditions & New Moon in Aquarius’s Egalitarianism

The tense square between Uranus in Taurus and Sa.Su.Mo. in Aquarius shows up as collective unrest or social rebellion due to frustrated material need. Inflation is increasing and I am still in the process of uprooting myself and moving overseas for a better life (not a perfect one, but a more affordable one). A new Moon in Aquarius is about alternative ways of living and finding new, unusual structures to embrace (freelancing or working remote on your own hours, is a great example).

So long as corporations refuse to pay the employee, the average citizen won’t have enough spending power to participate in the economy and will simply be phased out. The quality of life for all people will decrease. The corporations will shoot themselves in the foot. They may have saved money in the short term, raking in profits and given it to the company shareholders. But it comes at the cost of losing their consumers. When workers don’t have money (Taurus – assets), they cannot afford the products that a company sells. It leads to a stagnant economy and slow growth rate. The corporation loses money. So, to combat the loss, the corporations decide to jack up the prices even more. But, still refusing to pay the employee, in a desperate attempt to make the stock price go up, the problem gets worse. The cycle continues until the economy implodes.

Contrary to leftist political pundits (also known as woke idiots), found both on the Television and on YouTube, the solution IS NOT socialism, but simply common-sense regulation. Hold corporations accountable for crimes against civilization itself. Provide wide-spread options for unionization (or just make it mandatory, hell), so that workers may be able to advocate for a quality life to pay for a home, vacations, healthcare and childcare. These changes will not occur.

Why? The corporations have bought and bribed the government. We no longer have representation — rendering taxation a form of theft. Wall Street will continue to rule with an iron fist.

Left-wing or “liberal” people will continue to cheer it on, so long as these soulless monstrous corporate entities espouse their political gibberish and claim to be progressive and egalitarian, diverse and inclusive, liberals don’t care. They are driven by a deep psychological need for power, which has nothing to do with principles. The leftist may stand against slavery, for example (and do so loudly and confidently, so as to display moral virtue – another form of the ego attempting to gain power over another human being – showing one’s self as morally superior to another). But it is only because they secretly envy the slave owner, and wish to be him — not because they find the whole system depraved and immoral. They cheer on the cancellation of people they’ve deemed their enemies, but (being short-sighted) eventually their own weapons turn against them and destroy them. This is a destructive state of consciousness. Such a person can only tear down, but never create. They proclaim societal injustice, but offer no solutions. Solutions on offer are often pie-in-the-sky thinking.

So, knowing all this, without any push-back from the general populace, corporations will continue to funnel money into woke racial political propaganda, in the form of book deals, television shows and streaming platforms. This works to keep the active and loud portion of the populace (left-wingers) distracted and satiated with mere empty talk and more mental noise.

Understanding this impossible circumstance, one is left with two options: fight “the system” (and die trying) or leave for a better life (relocate). I’ve chosen the latter. Revolutionary change for a more egalitarian society will not occur from the top down. We, as individual actors have been put in an impossible situation. Yet, we can start taking steps towards making life easier and better for one another by forming community and connection with like-minded persons. That is what Aquarius is all about.

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