How to Become More Intelligent Using Astrology

Trevor Scott

There are a number of factors when judging intelligence in an astrological horoscope, namely Mercury, the Sun, the 5th House, and a few other factors. But it goes deeper than that, including zodiac signs and what they innately symbolize.

By understanding some basic astrological principles, there are a number of ways to increase intelligence by taking full advantage of transiting planets and signs.

Why Strong Intelligence is a Requirement, Not an Option in Today’s World

Intelligence and being able to use the mind to perform detailed tasks is becoming more and more mandatory for gainful employment and basic survival in a technologically-driven society. The better your technical, analytical intelligence is, the better chance you’ll have at attaining and sustaining a high-income-earning profession. The most coveted careers require the use of brain power, not physical strength.

This is counterintuitive to what we are use to as humans. Most of human history relied on Mars (warrior ability), not Mercury (dexterity, skill, and intelligence).

A mere glance into our ancestral and evolutionary past will show you that every civilization valued bodily strength above all else, whether it was manual labor or warfare. The development of technology — along with the chronically sedentary lifestyle that came with it —has led us to an evolutionary mismatch between our “natural state” and what society demands from us. Nevertheless, here we are, forced to adapt.

Modern life requires one thing above all else: intelligence.

But…How do you get it? And what’s astrology have to do with it?

Simply put: astrologically, there are periods of time where you can cultivate knowledge with miraculous speed.

The best things you can do to INCREASE your intelligence and to RETAIN knowledge is to…

1. Wake Up When the Sun and Mercury are in the Ascendant (Eastern Direction) of the Sky and IMMEDIATELY start studying and reading material (timing your study will ensure that you remember the material for a long period of time).

2. Practice Ashwini Mudra, tightening and releasing the sphincter muscle while visualizing energy move upwards from the base of the spine to the Third Eye. If you ever feel tired, do this and your mind will immediately perk up — wide awake.

3. Perform pranayama exercises, the control of breath, during the day and hour of Mercury, which is a ruler of intelligence and air. If you pay attention closely, you’ll notice that during a period of inhalation, your mind is able to absorb more information. Granted, you can’t constantly breath in while reading a book.

Granted, there are other considerations: eating healthy food, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly.

But since this is an astrology blog, NOT a health and fitness blog, let’s explain why these three factors are crucial!

The Sun’s Position Serves to Mirror Traditional Exaltation

The Sun is exalted in Aries, the first sign and first house of the zodiac. That means it gains while transiting the ascendant. The best way to replicate this energy is to wake up early in the morning, when the Sun is on the eastern horizon, and study any subject that strikes your interest. Be sure to visualize light energy moving from the Sun and into your third eye, illuminating your entire skull.

The Sign of Aries, the Brain, and Ashwini Mudra Explained

Since Aries is the first sign, it represents the head. Most babies are born head first from the womb. As a result of this symbolism, Aries is the most important sign in the zodiac – without question. Where does intelligence come from? The brain. And where is that? You guessed it, the head. It falls under Aries’ domain. When planets are afflicted in Aries, there could be difficulties with the brain.

And if something is wrong with the brain or the head, life becomes considerably more challenging. Neuroscience shows us that who you are, as a person (identity/self), could change completely if the head trauma is significant enough.

To better picture this, think of it as akin to having difficult aspects to the Ascendant in one’s birth chart. The first house is the life path. When affliction occurs, one’s whole life becomes incredibly challenging, derailed, or thwarted in some way.

Aswhwini is a constellation (nakshatra) within Vedic Astrology that is located in the first segment of Aries. The first constellation of the first sign? This is where we begin to establish intelligence. Its mythological significance is associated the Ashwini Twins who rule over medicine, science, health, and the dawn.

In order to attain knowledge, you must accept that you know nothing; empty yourself completely and get rid of the ego which clouds and obfuscates true vision (light of the soul/Sun). Start from ground zero: the zero point of Aries.

Aries is ruled by Mars, which is associated with the Root Chakra, Muladhara. This bandha/lock of the anal or sphincter muscle activates Mars, one’s dormant survival energy, which is trapped in the base of the spine. Our ancestors had to be smart to survive. So, you’ll inevitably activate this power from within. This mudra assists in connecting the root energy to the brain, forcing a subtle current of energy up the spinal column so as to “turn the lights on,” as it were. Practice this when you’re feeling tired. You’ll get energy almost immediately.

Exaltation of Mercury

Mercury has directional strength in the Ascendant, bestowing the person born with this position a great deal of skill, dexterity, and smarts. When Mercury becomes exalted, astrologers typically look at this as a sign of great intelligence in a person.

Likewise, you should look for times when Mercury is transiting through a favorable sign, like in Gemini or Virgo, or through a friend’s sign, Leo, Taurus, and Libra. These time periods will greatly affect your ability to learn any subject.

Because Mercury symbolizes intelligence, and Vayu (the air element), you’ll need to balance the air element to bring out your intellect. How? Practice yoga. Balancing the air element is primarily done through pranayama exercises. Practice these exercises during the day of Mercury (Wednesday) while it is transiting through the ascendant (early morning) for maximum results.

Remember This: If you really want to solidify something, start studying in the early morning when Mercury transits through your natal Ascendant. If you’re an Aquarius Ascendant, this might be in the winter. If you’re a Virgo Ascendant it might be late summer, etc.

What to Avoid: If Mercury is in contact with the Moon (his enemy) or with Mars, you won’t be able to think clearly. Too much passion, emotion and turbulence will cloud the mind, making it difficult to focus on a single point for prolonged periods of time. Just as our Moon waxes and wanes, so will your focus.

This is NOT what we want to cultivate. Just the opposite, in fact!

The Importance of Concentration for Improving Intelligence

Intense focus is a fundamental skill that one must develop if they are to become intellectually gifted.

Focus is the secret ingredient for sharpening the intellect. If you do NOTHING ELSE (after all, waking up at 4 a.m. is DAMN hard), learn how to pay full attention to one thing at a time. You will get better with practice.

Concentration will become a priceless skill, beneficially impacting everything from the quality of your relationships to your ability to manifest circumstances and events into your life.

Not only that, unlike money, the power of concentration doesn’t go away after you die. It will transfer into your next incarnation.

There you have it. This is how you increase intelligence over time with the use of astrology!

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