3 Reasons Why Manifesting Isn’t Working

Trevor Scott

You visualize over and over, but nothing seems to be working. Does this sound familiar? If you’re getting closer to throwing up your hands and saying “I quit!” — don’t.

Here are three reasons why manifesting isn’t working and what you can do to fix it ASAP.

1. It’s Your Energetic Vibration

Visualizing helps to draw experiences closer to you. But if you really want to SHIFT states and actually manifest this thing, you will have to shift your vibrational alignment.

An energetic vibration is held in your auric field and often stuck there. It’s the culmination of your repetitive thoughts and emotions over a long period of time. This may take a long time to start rewiring and attuning so that you can match the thing you want. If it’s money, start dressing in a way that can make you feel rich.

Here’s How: Find a material item to help you shift your vibration. You can do this regardless of your income level. It could be anything that reminds you of abundance or prosperity. Heck! I’ve shopped for some clothes at Walmart (I know, don’t cry too hard for me) and people have commented that I’m overdressed on certain occasions. It goes to show you that it is possible.

Start looking at successful, rich people. Note what they do, then emulate it.
  • How do they view money?
  • What kind of words do they use when communicating about it?
  • What words do they actively avoid saying?

2. You Karma isn’t Matching Up

Sometimes it’s just not in your karma to have or experience a certain thing in life. Keep in mind that if you want something bad enough, you can manifest it, regardless of karma. You’ll have to assume that you have it already in your possession, in the here and now, the immediate present.

Now, before we go down the path of “gloom and doom,” let it be known that karma is the habituated momentum generated as a result of the actions we have taken in previous lives. In some persons it’s rather weak, whereas in others it’s a very strong compulsion, just like a train barreling down the tracks at full speed — headed toward a destination, perhaps a destination that YOU DO NOT WANT.

Changing course is going to require a TON of effort. First, you’ll have to slow the train down, second, redirect it, and third, start accelerating towards a new destination. Our lives are similar in this respect.

If manifestation isn’t working, then it’s a sign that you are trying to send out energy that is counterintuitive to how your karma is structured. Let’s say that your mind is attuned to lack or not enough, and you are visualizing and affirming abundance. It’s obviously going to take a long while to see results. You’re redirecting the train, so to speak. You’ll have to become consistent with mantras and affirmations to make the shift.

Here’s an example: If we are predisposed toward negative thinking or pessimistic views of ourselves and the world, and it’s all we’ve fed into for years on end, then we’re more likely to manifest experiences that reinforce this mode of thinking — including experiences that “prove” the Law of Attraction does not exist. Of course, it works in reverse.

3. It’s Not in Your Best Interest (According to Your Higher Self)

It’s not in your karma. Your astrology chart doesn’t have the right yogas to provide you with your desire. And that can be a good thing. Your dreams can often become nightmares. What we think we want might not even be good for us and our future, and our higher self knows that.

As we get older, more experienced, and hopefully more mature, we tend to look back on life and say, “Thank God I didn’t get what I want!”

What we think we want in the moment is often a result of false expectations and delusions within our mind. If you were to become a famous movie star or rock and roll star, for instance, you’d probably find it to be a very, very exhausting lifestyle that comes with its share of burdens and problems. The worst case scenario? It might even take you away from your true calling in life, derailing your spiritual growth, leading to ruin.

The universe, being a part of us, attempts to protect us from these situations. Knowing this leads to an inevitable conclusion.

We don’t truly know what we want.

You may have some general idea of it. But if you’re too attached to the outcome, then you won’t manifest your desire to begin with. You have to let go of the very idea that you’ll ever have it. Release the thought that you need this person, thing, or experience to become “complete” or self-realized. Ironically, it tends to come when you no longer need it.

Craving, wanting, needing, and longing leaves us in a place where we are in LACK. There. That’s it. It’s quite a paradox. Ridiculously ironic, if you ask me. You are obviously visualizing and affirming something because YOU WANT that thing. By doing so, you are telling the universe that you DO NOT HAVE IT. Change it up. Start telling the universe (and yourself) that you ALREADY HAVE IT.

Here’s an example: If you’re waiting at a red light and you desperately need it to turn green. Get ready to wait a while. That light won’t ever change. But if you can distract yourself with something, fiddling with a paper or clearing out the glove compartment, it turns green immediately. If you’re seeking validation, people reject you. If you don’t care, they’re drawn to you.

Practice Embodying the End Result or Desired State NOW

Whatever you want, practice embodying the feeling state. The old saying, “Fake it till you make it” rings clear and true in this case. Start feeling like the person who owns a successful business, is already married, has a good social circle, has the money to travel, or owns a nice home.

For God’s sake, even Kanye West did this (given his recent public behavior, perhaps he’s not the best example to use). Kanye used to pretend he was signed by a major record label long before he even had an album out. This level of delusion, which is a double-edged sword, is the very thing that will help you move past blocks in manifesting. You’ll go from “manifestations don’t work,” to living a life that manifests as one success after another.

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