How Does Meditation Impact My Astrology Chart Karma?

Trevor Scott

Your astrology is the culmination of what you’ve been thinking, feeling, and doing from lifetime after lifetime. It is a fixed pattern of behavior that you’ve gotten used to.


You are not aware of your thoughts. The noise in your head is compelling you to act in a particular way. Smoke that cigarette. Watch a movie. Eat greasy foods. It doesn’t matter.

How does Meditation Help?

Meditation allows you to see the thoughts that arise, the very things that cause you to act the way you do. By observing the link between thought and behavior, you have the “free will” to choose a different path.

By choosing to be different through thinking, acting, and feeling in a new way, you’re breaking the karmic loop; you are restructuring your natal chart in a certain sense.

You will never get rid of the natal chart you are born with. But you can dramatically alter how its energies are expressed in the world.

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