2019 May Summer Transits – Looking Pretty Good Right About Now!

Saturn and Pluto destroys security and structure in life. It will transform the nature of industries and power structures. With all of this chaos going on, thank God we have Jupiter helping the collective consciousness out. Jupiter being in its own sign gives us a great amount of optimism, expanded vision and faith, but it’s squaring Neptune, a planet of mystic revelation and delusion. Remember that faith without works is dead. You need faith and optimism, but don’t invest it in illusions and fanciful ideas. Consciously create the world you want with imagination, not by wishful hopeful thinking. The tragic thing about Sagittarius or Jupiter ruled signs is that they can, if badly aspected, adopt destructive beliefs or malformed ideologies. Taking action on those beliefs ,good or bad, will depend on how mars is situated.

Transiting mars is not very strong right now. It’s not just because it’s in the sign of Cancer, but because Jupiter is naturally six signs away from the north node and mars (desire to act), representing blockages of energy. Out of our knowledge, faith and optimism, we might wish to take action but feel restricted blocked and too emotionally drained to do anything about what we believe to be an opportunity. You can overcome this, of course. But this is just the natural predisposition of the collective consciousness at the moment. We might be holding back on our convictions and our inner motivational speaker that says we can take on the burdens of life and push through any obstacle. Mars in Cancer doesn’t know how to pick fights that are worth fighting or take up the righteous cause. There could be some misdirected energy as far as how we get our nourishment and emotional validation. We might just lack the energy right now to really get it done. After all, everybody really wants to let go of the chaotic unstable conditions that Saturn and Pluto has put them through and move towards what feels comfy, warm, nice and emotionally secure (north node in Cancer). But, in the Saturn and Pluto fashion, their opposing aspect will restrict us from accessing these feelings of emotional safety and warmth. It’s not until we learn to integrate the uncertainty we feel and tap into other stronger planets at this time (Jupiter: faith + thankfulness!) (Mercury: playfulness + curiosity about life!) that we can pull through and overcome these restrictive energies. Mars is not too ‘gun ho’ about getting things accomplished and improving certain areas of our lives, outside of discovering new and unusual opportunities to defend what brings us comfort on a more immediate level. This transit cycle is really centered on building emotional strength, although it might be a daunting prospect right now.

Venus represents where we find pleasure and how we take a break from it all. There is a reason why Friday is ruled by Venus; it’s the day when we think about our fun weekend plans and when we’re focused on leaving the work week for we days (Saturn & real world duties…yeesh.) Luckily, Venus is in its own sign. It’s comfortable and that means most people can enjoy the little things in life: good food, comfortable bed sheets and sensual romantic relationships. But, there’s always a catch. It’s with Uranus. It’s a collective non-personal planet that gives people a real kick in the groin if they haven’t evolved their consciousness enough. At least, that’s what happens to me when I go under an intense Uranus transit. Uranus doesn’t care about our personal gratification or enjoyment. It’s not about close family ties that involve blood. It’s a planet of universal spiritual knowledge. It acts as a higher octive of Mercury, the standard symbol for intelligence and information. It’s all about the betterment of mankind and society. How will our personal love translate into supporting and uplifting the community or greater whole? This is the key question when a Uranus and Venus conjunction occurs. Uranus doesn’t care about love. It’s really about friendships and social bonds built on large idealistic dreams about a better tomorrow. Normally, when it conjoins with Venus, our collective values, it become elevated to a higher creative consciousness.  Right now, it’s all about learning to have fun in support of a universal love or egalitarianism. If we have money, food or comforts, share them with others. It’s all about joining something bigger than ourselves to adopt something that is in need of care (foster children or an unfinished creative project) and working with others to elevate it and make it more fruitful. We are raising our consciousness when it comes to understanding what it is that we truly value as a society. Certainly, there is more to sensuality, fulfillment and pleasure than just gorging ourselves at buffet, having sex and drinking alcohol until we blackout? Yes, there is. This is the expression of Venus in the lower realm, but once it touches Uranus, its expression becomes elevated. Venus and Uranus can give some sudden insight into how we can use our creativity to provide security to some area of our lives. It can also lead one to change up the wardrobe situation.

Another happy transit is definitely sun and mercury conjunct in Gemini in the constellation of Ardra, the great storm (well, not as happy as I thought but regardless…) Mercury is comfy in its own sign, it’s summer home of Gemini and Sun brightens it up. It’s a time when we all begin to be more curious, playful and make connections in a certain area of life. We might find it easier to manage certain affairs in our lives or become highly curious about playing around and experimenting with new ideas. Because these planets are situated in a constellation ruled by the north node, we must look at how the north node is transiting the sky to understand how these happy fun playful planets will really function. And the answer is…not as well as one might think. The north node is in Cancer, it’s about finding a deep emotional connection to our roots and our home (wherever that might be for you). It’s about wanting to nourish and provide care for something in life. It can make this mercury and sun combination go a bit nuts, as these planets don’t like thinking through all sorts of sticky emotions (it’s like analyzing tons of data and solving mental puzzles, but then suddenly stopping and asking about whether or not it all “feels” right). Eventually, mercury is going to transit into the later degrees of Gemini, creating a T-Square with Neptune and Jupiter. This will be the truly confusing period about what we have faith in and how we are questioning letting go to the universe or buckling down and micro-managing certain affairs in life. It will be a time of questioning the faith and optimism we might have previously held with all of the facts and details of life. “Does it make sense?” It can spur us to letting go of our faith, or expanding on our knowledge until we have all of the facts in order, then going after what we want.

Now lastly, I don’t normally mention the asteroid Chiron…but in this case I will. It’s currently in Aries, a sign governed by Mars, which (as I said earlier) is not very adamant about fighting the good fight right now. Mars is winding down in Cancer and wants to feel good and put its energy into nourishing and taking care of others (cooking a nice meal, taking care of the house or garden etc.) It’s not feeding a lot of energy into Chiron, therefore the asteroid isn’t as powerful as it could be. Chiron in Aries is about having a lot of pent up emotional pain with regards to our identity and authentic individuality. It’s also squaring Mars in Cancer, further agitating its energies. We might have the opportunity to help a family member or community member gain further confidence in themselves or their ability to take inspired action towards what they want or who they want to be. It’s something that we might be having some trouble with right now.

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