Aries Traits & Personality

Aries is the first sign associated with the first house of the zodiac. It’s where the story of the zodiac begins. Those born under this sign are born during the Spring season, a time where any remnants of the dark, cold winter weather begin to disappear, being replaced with budding seeds of new life, erupting from the earth as colorful specs of green. Life is coming into being; it’s starting. 

This natural setting depicts the colorful personality of Aries. Those lucky enough to be born under this passionate fire sign always have something in bloom. They’re constantly starting things, initiating new ventures, and expressing themselves.

Symbolized by a ram, Aries is competitive, aggressive, and upwardly mobile; they look for the next emotional thrill, the next mountain to climb or obstacle to overcome. Just like a ram, Aries people can make do with very little, surviving in conditions that others simply cannot (toxic workplaces…anyone?).

They confidently assert their boundaries and take action on whatever inspires them. Is it realistic? Will it make money? These questions are tossed out the window. An Aries will push for what they desire and that’s the end of it. They climb rough, rugged terrain, balancing insanely steep drop offs that, with one misstep, could send them tumbling to disaster. 

Aries Destiny & Soul Purpose

You are destined to develop a unique identity for yourself and utilize your energy, willpower, and determination to fight the battles worth fighting in life. This could manifest in many ways. 

You may choose to be a scientist, nurse, or artist. Either way, you’ll use your life force and physicality to express your leadership skills and innovative persona out into the world. 

Best Careers for an Aries 

Ruled by the planet of war, they are well-suited for careers in any field that allows them to lead, compete, get creative, and be active. 

  • Scientist or Researcher 
  • Engineer 
  • Entrepreneur
  • Business Manager 
  • Athlete 
  • Marketing 
  • Military 
  • Police 
  • Personal Trainer 
  • Event Planner 

Strengths of Aries 

  • Courageous
  • Independent
  • Energetic
  • Honest
  • Loyal
  • Optimistic 
  • Confident 
  • Leaders

Weaknesses of Aries 

  • Impatient
  • Impulsive 
  • Stubborn 
  • Short-tempered 
  • Selfishness 
  • Competitive 
  • Restless or Inattentive

What is Aries Like in Love & Relationships? 

Aries brings a lot of passion, excitement, adventure, and spontaneity into romantic relationships. 

This can be really thrilling and fun! 

Despite being such extroverted, gung ho personalities, Aries might fall for someone who is a bit more laid back, a person who brings beauty, harmony, and balance to a relationship.They long for someone to honestly balance them out, someone who still shares their personal values and tastes. 

They often do the best with people who are just as passionate and active as they are. This fierce, moving fire energy can be a lot to handle. It’s why Aries gets involved in a lot of short-term flings and affairs. 

Long term relationships are a challenge for them. Why? Relationships require compromise and patience, neither of which is an Aries’ core strength. 

The motto of an Aries is “ME, ME, ME” not “You and Me, Together.” They’ll have to learn to compromise, practice tact and diplomacy, and view things from another person’s perspective. 

Aries can have themselves and still be “in relationship” with someone else at the SAME TIME! Independence is a good thing, but too much of it can become an issue.  

Aries’ Soulmate 

An Aries’ soulmate is someone who is just as outgoing, in-love with risk-taking, and can handle their trailblazing nature. This is why fire and air signs are the best partners for an Aries.

Air signs like Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius motivate Aries to express themselves even more vivacious, to become more active, competitive, and driven. It’s because air signs love to talk and flirt with ideas, whereas Aries will find it inspiring, putting it into action without hesitation. 

Fire signs operate on the same wavelength. Sagittarius and Leo are just as excitable, independent, and enthusiastic. They burn bright together. Energy, mutual admiration, loyalty, and dynamic confidence ooze from fire signs in relationship with one another. 

Famous Aries People

  • Lady Gaga 
  • Leonardo da Vinci 
  • Elton John 
  • Mariah Carey 
  • Jackie Chan

Aries Friendships 

Aries can be a great friend to have, being perpetually adventurous, competitive, and brutally honest. They can quickly come into your life and quickly leave. They create lasting, supportive friendships based on mutual interests and passions. 

Aires Life Lessons & Themes

Because Aries is the first fire sign, it represents the fundamental state of that element. Raw. Pure. Powerful. The first of any element will be the most potent.

Aries isn’t operating on some grand philosophical vision, where the “meaning of it all” is at stake. Sagittarius, the final fire sign, does. They’re also not concerned with maintaining social status (like Leo).

Aries craves initiation and creation. They are here to start running head-first, just like the ram, into the fray, battling the competition. These folks love anything that gets their blood flowing and their adrenaline high.

Aries excels in difficult atmospheres and are the first people you call on when a tough fight is at hand. They are not afraid of butting heads.

Aries people must live by instinct, impulse, and gut-feeling. They must learn to think, act, and create ALONE, without relying on others.

two round rocks balancing

Full Moon in Aries in 2021 for Each Ascendant

October 20th — This full moon in Aries is hemmed between the two outer planets, Uranus and Neptune, both in retrograde. Because the signs they occupy represent the ... Read more