Sagittarius DATES: nov 22 - dec 21
ELEMENT & MODE: mutable fire
SYMBOL: centaur archer
HOUSE: ninth
BODY PART: thighs, hips
MANTRA: I explore
CHAKRA: sacral
PLANET: jupiter

Sagittarius Traits & Personality

Sagittarius is the preacher, teacher, and profit of the zodiac. They are big-picture thinkers who love a good laugh and fun adventure. Ruled by Jupiter, this sign wants to expand their horizons and embrace meaning in life. These individuals are often religious or philosophically-inclined, as a result. 

This is the last fire sign of the zodiac. It is the highest purpose of fire (inspiration). The first fire sign focuses strictly on one’s self, the second on self and kingdom (people and things around them), and the third focuses on the world at large — adventure, enthusiasm, and speaking the truth are staples of this fire sign.

Because it’s related to the ninth house of the zodiac, Sagittarius loves to travel to far-away places and to write or speak their mind in a blunt, straightforward fashion.

Sagittarius Destiny & Soul Purpose

The Centaur represents the conflict between the lower-half of man, animalistic urges and impulses, and the higher half, elevated human thought. The archer drawing back his arrow shows the necessity for Sagittarius to have higher goals and aspirations in life, to see the bigger picture of life’s suffering and to accept how it all interconnects to form a meaningful story.

Sagittarius must find a philosophy or purpose that can propel them and those around them to greater heights (e.g. overcoming suffering). These souls are here to spread the truth to others, to teach, share wisdom, and bring more positivity into the world. They are here to take risks and move towards the biggest adventure or calling in their lives. Sagittarius must follow their inspiration at all costs.

Best Careers for Sagittarius 

For Sagittarius it’s all about expressing those BIG ideas out into the world and experiencing new things. This is the sign of the preacher, the teacher, and the prophet. They might not get all their facts right, but they love to speak the TRUTH in a bold, confident way. 

Due to the nature of mutable fire, Sagittarius is drawn towards any career field that offers excitement, new knowledge, long-distance travel, or opportunities to expand their sense of self.

  • Teacher 
  • Preacher 
  • International Relations 
  • Diplomat
  • Life Coach 
  • Marketing or Advertising 
  • Travel or Tourism

Strengths of Sagittarius 

  • Optimistic and Positive 
  • Adventurous and Energetic 
  • Intellectual and Philosophical 
  • Honest and Straightforward 
  • Generous and Idealistic

Weaknesses of Sagittarius 

  • Blunt and Tactless 
  • Escapist 
  • Impatient and Restless 
  • Take on too Much or Overpromise

What is Sagittarius Like in Love & Relationships? 

Adventurous, fun-loving, spontaneous, unpredictable, honest, and freedom-loving, Sagittarius is a very fun romantic partner to have. They may have to work on issues surrounding commitment and reliability.

Sagittarius Soulmate 

Anyone who shares the same zest for life should be a perfect match for the Sagittarius individual. Geminis make the best partners for a Sagittarius. They share the same level of intellectual curiosity, love for playing games, and love of travel.

Famous Sagittarius People

  • Taylor Swift 
  • Brad Pitt 
  • Andrew Tate
  • Bruce Lee 
  • Jamie Foxx 
  • Jon Stewart

Sagittarius Friendships 

Sagittarius is a gregarious, optimistic, and fun-loving friend to be around. Loyal, supportive, honest, and direct, they can really hold you accountable and give you the raw, unfiltered truth, similar to the previous sign of Scorpio. All in all, this is a stimulating and thought-provoking friend to have.