Kai-Zen & Making Changes in Your Life

In Japanese corporate culture, there is such a thing as kai-zen, which means, roughly, “continuous improvement.” We tend to underestimate how powerful small changes can be and the effects they have on the collective consciousness. Each change, however little or trivial at face value, compounds over time to produce great overall shifts in life. In … Read more

Scorpio: Your Time Is Here.

Your Creative Intelligent Expression is On Blast Right Now…Use it. You’re Expanding Your Values & Finding Higher Purpose in Using Your Voice to Share Wisdom/Truth Your Willpower, Skills, Talents & Mentality are Being Restructured & Transformed You’re Clearing Out Karmas in Your Daily Routine Duties, Debts and Overall Health You’ll Find Emotional Nourishment in Traveling … Read more

Powerhouse Transits: Grand Kite Square

With so many transits happening in the cardinal signs and the planets of grit and agility being in detriment, this might be a time that the chaotic struggles of life (which seems to be getting worse on the collective level) put people in a place of powerlessness and make them feel like giving up the … Read more

A Scorpio’s Karma: Meet Your Needs by Mastering Muladhara Chakra

Someone with Scorpio planets or Aries planets in negative dignity, or a Saturn with a poor placement, for that matter, will struggle with muladhara chakra. They will feel deeply insecure and unable to cope with life’s natural ups and downs. The Scorpio planets create instability (opposite from Taurus, the most stable zodiac sign) within the … Read more

Mars, Power & Brahmacharya

Brahmacharya, in Indian Hindu tradition is more commonly referred to as celibacy or abstinence in the West. However, the true practice is a lot more multi-faceted than just “not having sex.” It involves the disciplining of the mind, emotions and energy, so they may be redirected towards a higher purpose, usually, God realization. This inner … Read more

Planning Your Life with Astrology

One of the ways I’ve found predictive astrology to work is by not predicting specific events in the future, but outlining general patterns that will arise in life. Then taking a look at the overall picture and seeing how you got there. For instance, every 2 years or so transiting Saturn will move through a … Read more

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