Florence Scovel Shinn’s Astrology Chart Explained

Florence Scovel Shinn 1800s apparel woman smelling a rose

Although her exact birth time is unknown, Florence Scovel Shinn’s astrology chart is undoubtedly powerful, having two planets exalted and three planets in strength. When things went well, they went really well. When things went wrong, they felt downright devastating. She was an artist and illustrator who became a spiritual teacher and author in her … Read more

The Secrets of Scorpio: The Karmic Zodiac Sign

Much of the biological descriptions and details assigned to the scorpion arachnid are manifested in the personality of Scorpios. “The vast majority of scorpions are nonsocial, solitary animals that interact only at birth, during courtship, or for cannibalism.” Encyclopedia Brittanica The Symbolism of the Scorpion and a Scorpio’s Personality Their hard shell is a defense mechanism … Read more

How to Become More Intelligent Using Astrology

There are a number of factors when judging intelligence in an astrological horoscope, namely Mercury, the Sun, the 5th House, and a few other factors. But it goes deeper than that, including zodiac signs and what they innately symbolize. By understanding some basic astrological principles, there are a number of ways to increase intelligence by … Read more

Pluto Aquarius 2023: A New Age of Revolution

Aquarius deals with large organizations, technology, non profits, social equity, and broad cultural movements. Ruled by Uranus (and Saturn), this fixed air sign represents revolutionaries, beatniks, geniuses, and anyone marching to the beat of their own drum. Its saturnian rulership means there will be a breakdown of an old order and the institution of a … Read more

Aquarius, Egalitarianism and Wage Slavery

Aquarius is a sign of egalitarianism, groups, friends and service to humanity. Why is so much of this lacking in the world? The ruler of Aquarius, Saturn, is commonly afflicted by other transiting planets and therefore gives poor results. So, we see life play out predictably and repeatedly. Those who are represented by Saturn are … Read more

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