The asteroids
Asteroids in Astrology Explained
Asteroids, much like planets, provide insights into an individual’s behavior and karmic patterns. Examining the aspects and position of asteroids is a great way to uncover an added layer of information in the natal chart.
The wounded healer and teacher of Ancient Greek heroes. The location of Chiron in the chart indicates ego-based pain that must be integrated and processed. It shows an area of life that you can excel in by showing or guiding others, but not necessarily doing it yourself.
Vesta represents the sacred sexual energy and our capacity to transmute the lower reproductive functions and immediate carnal desires into higher spiritual attainment through disciplined effort. It orbits between Jupiter and Mars, stradling both planetary energies: passion and faith.
Ceres shows where you feel the most nurtured and cared for. What area of life do you find the most emotional comfort and satiation in? Are there psychological hangups blocking you from accessing this side of life? All that is seen through the placement of Ceres in the horoscope.
Juno was the wife of Zeus (Jupiter) in mythology. She represents what we are married to and committed to in life. This asteroid also indicates what we will inevitably get from our marital partner, should we choose to have one.